Cosmic Consciousness Weekly – Current Astro Events

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly


By: Lisa E Zimmerman


We close August with Venus and Mercury Retrograde, Mars changing signs, Uranus changing direction and a Full Blue SuperMoon, a lot of cosmic activity, with reality checks that may need attention. During Mercury Retrograde, continue to clean up and align your life with what’s true and right for you, according to your values. Operate with devotion in your life and toward your Self. Treat everything as sacred if you want to shift the vibration from the mundane into a higher dimensional space.


Aug 27 – Sun opposite Saturn. This can be an ending, a release or a boundary, but if you’re proactive, it’s a decision to handle whatever is undermining your evolution that you’ve been avoiding. Maybe you realize what’s not working and this is your reality check, inviting you to step into your Authority and do something. If you aren’t clear, get the support you need, but don’t get discouraged. Know that every aligned action you take builds muscle that will serve you well.


Mars leaves Virgo to enter harmonious Libra (Aug 27- Oct 12). Mars (action) in Libra is concerned with fairness, relationships, seeing both sides of an issue and diplomacy, so getting things done is not necessarily quick. Mars in Libra doesn’t want to be selfish or pushy, so if it’s going to fight for something, it will do it in an elegant way and may be passive-aggressive.


Aug 28 – Uranus Stations Retrograde until late Jan ’24, but it’s been barely moving all month, and if it connects with your chart, you may be feeling stimulated, restless, trapped, ready to make a move – or the urge for liberation may have already shifted you out of – or into a new lifestyle, location, relationship, career or personal style of expression. Psychic gifts may open, or open on a new level, and life may take unexpected turns.


The power of Uranus is two-fold: the revolutionary change it brings – and the destabilizing shock of the unexpected. When the playing field is shifted without warning, it’s easy to go into reaction, especially if your well being feels threatened. If it feels like something is falling away, it’s meant to. And don’t frame it as a failure – think transformation, endings, completions, rebirth, the future and your evolution.


When you are activated by Uranus, it’s as if someone flipped a switch and parts of you can awaken that you didn’t realize were there! Depending on the aspect (and you), it can be authentic and lasting or it can be a temporary rebellion that redirects your life.


Uranus is seeking to liberate you from programming that has disconnected you from the truth of WHO YOU ARE, in order to fulfill others’ wishes, beliefs and paradigms. It’s a kind of “hostage release,” so during the Retrograde, it will be going back over what started in the Spring of ’23 to further release stale old patterns to fertilize new pursuits and rebirths.


Stay open and trust where your heart leads you. Uranus in Taurus is about what you value – not what you were told to value. Taurus is ruled by Venus (still Retrograde), clearing all that is unloving from your heart, especially the ways in which you are unloving to your Self.


Aug 30 – The Full Blue SuperMoon in Pisces is at 6:35pm PDT. This is the second Full SuperMoon – closest to earth with the greatest impact felt. The first one was on August 1 in Aquarius. A Blue Moon is two Full Moons in one month, so it’s a Full Blue SuperMoon in Pisces.


A Full Moon brings things to light – and the Sun in Virgo opposing the Moon conjunct Saturn in sensitive Pisces is a good time for introspection and reflection. This illuminates Saturn energy again and highlights a decision, an obstacle, an issue to be handled – or it can be the structure you generate to bring your dream into form (higher expression).


If you go low, Pisces-Virgo can sink into disappointment or a worry loop and fall down the rabbit hole, so don’t allow yourself to go unconscious leading up to the Full Moon when the energy is heightened. Keep your focus on what you want and what needs your attention. Then take the necessary practical actions.


Pisces is best when being creative, doing spiritual practices, helping others or communing with nature and sentient Beings. Virgo is best at service, health and wellness, particularly with the body – natural products, gut health, cleansing, juicing and the like. Focus on projects and activities that raise your vibration and create offerings to be of service to others. Jupiter rules the Full Moon – and it is in earthy Taurus, focused on the earth, the body and your values.


Virgo and Taurus are earth signs, while Pisces is a water sign. Earth and water are both yin energy, and receptive, so I invite you to practice opening to All That Is available to you in your environment and the world.


Most people are not that comfortable receiving for a variety of reasons (back to programming). Rather than feeling needy, practice allowing Goodness to flow your way as you co-create with the universe to evolve your life and be willing to step into the unknowable (our evolving world).


And then pay it forward… This is how we create a New Earth.


As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.


“You are the star, the writer and the director of your movie. See you in the movie!” ~ Wayne Shorter


© 2023 Lisa E Zimmerman. All rights reserved.


Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer and Coach, and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤️


Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

By Lisa E Zimmerman

We are in the wake of the New Moon in Leo (square Uranus), that invites you to align with your Evolving Self, to liberate yourself from restrictive structures/patterns, so you are free to pursue your Being and expression. In your world, You create it all!
Uranus may have instigated a curveball, breakthrough, insight or solution that redirected your focus in a way you couldn’t have predicted – and Venus Retrograde continues through Sept 3, allowing you to reconsider who/what you *really* value (and act accordingly), as you clear old debris from your heartspace, so you are more open, compassionate and available to those you want to share your love with.
Aug 22 – On the final day of Leo we have two aspects, and we will already be feeling the Station of Mercury Retrograde coming tomorrow (when it appears to stand still before changing direction). This makes it a high probability day for crossed wires, mixups, tech issues, etc. Be gentle and take it slow.
Venus square Jupiter – This is can be indulgence, a major purchase or generosity bestowed on another. Stay conscious. There’s a tendency with a square to go overboard, either b/c you’re feeling good, having fun or want to impress. Or you decide “I don’t care,” in the moment – and later, you care! It all depends on how you are naturally. If you are frugal, maybe it will help you loosen up – and if you’re a spender or giver, be mindful. It’s particularly tricky because following it is…
Mars opposite Neptune – Mars in Virgo is left-brained and Neptune is nonlinear. In opposition, Neptune can create confusion, when Mars in Virgo needs order and details count, which can be incredibly stressful. Or Mars in Virgo can be critical and nitpicky, when Neptune is trying to chill, while trusting its own intuitive guidance. Not the day for accounting, data entry, fact finding, as Neptune can be dreamy and miss things.
Better to wait and choose creative, spiritual or leisure pursuits today. Your judgment may be off – and Neptune is very suggestible (easy to sell to), so if Venus-Jupiter is hooked on something you want or believe in, Mars-Neptune could be complicit in sealing the deal. A trusted second opinion or restraint will serve you well today.
Aug 23 – The Sun enters analytical Virgo, sign of health, wellness, service and your daily work and is ready to put things in order and see what needs attention. The fire victims in Maui will attract Virgo types who are the helpers, there to assist in every way possible, with the non-glamorous, hands-on work. Virgo separates what’s useful from what’s not useful and it’s a sign of doing. Nobody loves to help like Virgo.
Pay attention to the needs of your body, your health, diet, exercise and whatever else needs care in your world. Create daily rituals that are doable for you. Find the support you need to achieve your goals if you need it.
Mercury Retrograde (Aug 23 – Sept 15) – Mercury travels from 21º to 8º Virgo during its Retrograde period and you will be going back over territory covered since Aug 3rd, but not yet. First, Mercury is Stationing (standing still to change directions), and it can feel like nothing is happening or everything is excruciatingly slow. Go with it – allow yourself to downshift and give yourself twice as much time to do half as many things as you normally would. Get my free report (link above) for directions during Mercury Retrograde.
Guidance pre-Retrograde: back up your technology, service your car, check travel plans, double-check all reservations and dates during this period, just to be sure.
Allow the Retrograde time for review to be a sacred process. Clear clutter, release anything you don’t need and give it to someone who does. This is a beautiful way to connect with others. Before you let an item go, thank it for its service to you. Honor everything. It will have so much more meaning. 🙏🏼
Enjoy any relatively peaceful time you have, as the action will pick up again in the final week of August, when Uranus turns Retrograde. Take nothing for granted. Ever.
As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.
“The most powerful moments in music are sometimes the spaces between the notes.” ~ Sonia Choquette
© 2023 Lisa E Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer and Coach, and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤️
Soul Level Solutions

Weekly Forecast for October 14, 2022- Cosmic Consciousness Edition

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly







Oct 14 – We continue through the Eclipse wormhole (a short distance between two vastly different realities) with a Solar Eclipse at 2º Scorpio on October 25, followed by a Lunar Eclipse at 16º Taurus on Nov 8. This distorts the time/space continuum as you know it, so that it’s hard to get your bearings.

As your mind works overtime to find familiar reference points, seeking security – they are veiled, shifted or non-existent. What’s being offered (if anything), is a new path. But where is that leading you?? This is a faith piece, whether anything is visible or not, that has yet to be revealed.

At the same time, Mars (action/will) in Gemini is barely moving, preparing to turn Retrograde from Oct 30-Jan 12, which affects momentum and offers you a closer look at how you’re operating as the pace downshifts, if you can focus Gemini’s distractibility and busyness. Adjust your expectations about what should happen when to align with Divine Timing, rather than your (ego’s) timing, with faith that All is well.

The ongoing Saturn-Uranus square continues to create conflict and division via the old vs. the new; traditional rules and structures vs. rebellion and demands for freedom. Our foundation feels shaky, living in a divided world with people who have been programmed to fight for (fill in the blank).

Don’t take the bait – and realize that that this mirror of dualistic thinking is here to illustrate the futility of black/white, right/wrong, good/bad thinking that can reduce adults to acting like children. If you are awake, there is much wisdom to be gained by rising above and witnessing what people are willing to accept by being a follower. Claim your Authority and don’t be a pawn. Attune to your heart to know what’s right for you.

All week Mars in Gemini squares nonlinear Neptune, which can affect your energy, mental focus, processing, mood and motivation. Remember, Mars is barely moving – and dreamy Neptune calls your energy within to your Higher Self, imagination or higher dimensions of consciousness.

Therefore, left-brained work can be challenging, whereas creative activities, rest, leisure, nature and spiritual practices are food for the soul. This is a perfect time to practice “Wu Wei,” a Taoist principle of intuitive action that is spontaneous, natural and effortless, that flows around obstacles, and goes to the belief that less (effort) is more. No struggle or stress – stay connected and go with the flow.

Oct 17 – The Sun trines Mars, which supports efforts to move forward, but it may not be as smooth as you expect due to Mars Stationing to Retrograde and Mars square Neptune.

Oct 18, Venus trines Mars, that indicates someone appearing to assist you, a blessing or creative inspiration. Remember Wu Wei. Don’t push. Clear Intentions can magnetize your efforts tremendously, along with aligned actions taken in harmony with you and your environment.

Oct 19 – Mercury opposes Chiron, creating the opportunity for wounding or healing words. Choose the healing if you have made unkind remarks, need to make amends or reconnect. If your thinking has become negative, shift your mindset by having a reality check (is it gossip, self-pity, judgment, self-righteousness, entitlement, victimhood, denial?). Allow your mind to operate through the lens of love and compassion for a higher expression of mental processing, rather than egoic competition and scarcity.

Oct 20 – Sun squares Pluto, and issues around power come up and have to be dealt with. You may face a bully or be in a situation with an imbalance of power (either you or them as the tyrant / victim). Someone gets pushed or feels diminished, safety and integrity may be tested and may have to do with $$ or resources. Whatever comes up is a flag for healing, so get the memo if this is you.

A higher expression of Sun-Pluto energy is the ability to create what you want – or being able to access your gifts, strengths and talents to use, at will, for the Greater Good.

You may feel like you’re going nowhere – and on a 3D level, maybe you’re right. But energetically, you’re growing and evolving, stretching and morphing into your next incarnation of expression that is beyond the projection of your logical mind. I love a surprise – get ready :))

Your intuition and Higher Self are tracking with you; they are right there. If you get quiet and go within, you can feel the beauty of where you are, beyond the mind, in some higher dimensional space. Just sit there and Be whenever possible, for peace and a respite from the personal and collective transformation that you are going through.

Know that All is well, be patient, and watch the movie. Remember that separation is an illusion.

“Your strength will come from standing in the center of a place that no one can see, knowing what no one can verify and dancing to a tune that no one else can hear.” ~ Emmanuel

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2022 Lisa E Zimmerman. All rights reserved.


Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer and Coach, and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an empowered, meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤️


Weekly Forecast for October 7, 2022- Cosmic Consciousness Edition

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly







– We are in a momentum shift that is ongoing via the current Eclipse wormhole (a short distance between two vastly different realities), with a Solar Eclipse on Oct 25 in Scorpio and a Lunar Eclipse on Nov 8 in Taurus. This can feel disorienting, regarding time. Also, Pluto Stations Direct on Oct 8, which creates extra intensity this week – and extra power for breakthroughs, revelations and transformation. Don’t think of Pluto as a negative.

This is a guaranteed shakeup and shedding of that which no longer serves your growth and evolution, whether you see it or not right now. This is a faith piece if you don’t, so keep your eye on the bigger picture, as this reality is definitely NOT your final destination! Aside from your personal life, we are having a collective experience that will inform the direction and path of humanity and holding a high frequency and loving intention for equality and Oneness is your invaluable contribution.


Pluto turns Direct on Oct 8 to travel the final degrees of traditional Capricorn until it reaches progressive Aquarius in late March ’23. If anything is complete, outdated, dead or dying in your life, it will let you know – and when it does, resistance is futile. Pluto rules death and rebirth, but it only takes what you’ve outgrown, and it’s always for your Highest Good.

Practice allowing and surrender with faith that you are available for what’s ahead, even when you don’t know exactly what it is. Trust that within you lies the potential to rise to the occasion – and don’t judge any moment as good or bad. It’s a moment that’s leading you forward on a path that’s unfamiliar to you, asking you to create from a clean slate, a space of innovation and fresh possibilities. Be willing to sit in the unknown, with faith and grace, until you are guided to take action, knowing that All is in Divine Order.


Oct 9 – the Full Moon in Aries is @ 1:55pm PDT with Chiron (Master Healer) conjunct the Moon with Venus conjunct the Sun. The Libra-Aries axis is the “I-Thou” principle, the basis of all relationships, and how we get what we want (or not). Aries is a maverick, pioneer, warrior, and in this energy, you want it YOUR way – direct, high energy and action-packed. Libra is “other”-oriented, sign of peace, harmony, balance and beauty. Libra is the mirror, who seeks compromise, connection and loves a win-win. So where are you on the continuum – are you a “me” or a “we” type – or somewhere in-between?


This is an opportunity to evolve your relationships by modeling and/or asking for what you want to experience, rather than operating in old habitual dynamics that have become embedded. If you’re attracting anything unwanted, it is mirroring some part of you that is unconscious, and you’ve called it in to awaken and liberate yourself.


Here’s a check-in: Do you sacrifice your needs for relationships (as a pattern)? Why? Have you given up your power and called in a bully or manipulator to reflect that – or are you the dominant player?


You may discover that you are operating in ways that surprise or even horrify you – not at all what you intended – but don’t resist the information. Awareness provides you with the opportunity to heal shadow energy and there’s lots of help available if you aren’t able to shift it yourself. With Saturn in harmony with the Full Moon, you are being supported in your efforts to stabilize and find balance between your will and your relationships.


Pluto is reverberating and still in flow with Mercury, illuminating hidden information and revealing secrets that can fill in blank spots or shift a narrative completely, once you have all the information. Detective work and deep explorations are favored if you’re willing to dig into dark corners where shadowy material can be buried. When you’re willing, you are ripe and ready for a breakthrough that will set you free and change your life.


Oct 10 – Venus opposite Chiron, allows the Master Healer to continue awakening you to matters of the heart that are calling for attention, that begin with valuing your Self. What about You? Compassion for yourself, your

loved ones, others, and all sentient Beings figures prominently.

Oct 11 – First, Sun trines Saturn is good for assessing your current status with a realistic perspective. What’s working, what’s not working, where are you going, what’s needed? Practical planning, methodical actions favored. Do the next right thing. You will feel clear and organized.


Oct 11 – Later, Mars square diffuse Neptune abandons the left brain and moves into the imagination, beyond “what is” to infinite potential or somewhere over the rainbow. Tap into your Higher Self, spiritual practices, creativity, nature, leisure, rest, or any form of spiritual care. Don’t focus on detailed work or left-brained activities, which will likely prove frustrating and unproductive.


Oct 12 – Mercury opposite Jupiter – the third meeting of these planets since late Aug, which may bring the conclusion of a story, info you were seeking, a vision you had, good news or something shows up now that expands your horizons (yes!).


Saturn (status quo) is still squaring Uranus (innovation) for the next week, which you can see by ongoing conflicts of all kinds and weather events. It will be wondrous to witness our evolving world as old, archaic structures crumble and cutting-edge creations arise that express the emerging culture that will be birthed. It’s right around the corner (relatively speaking).


All the chaos, all the change and letting go, it’s all been rehearsal. You know how to do this. You are getting ready for a major shift in Spring 2023. More to come…


“Pro tip: You don’t deserve anything. It’s all one big giant gift.” ~ Brian Gleason,


As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2022 Lisa E Zimmerman. All rights reserved.


Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer and Coach, and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an empowered, meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤️