Scorpio 1/29-2/11/25

Stephanie AzariaWeekly Horoscope - Scorpio

Bi Monthly Horoscopes:  January 29 – February 11, 2025
7:35am EST 
By Stephanie Azaria

 SCORPIO- (October 23-November 22):

While the whole planet is undergoing a rebirth, you personally are experiencing a true resurrection of your own. That triple Mars Pluto opposition is only halfway done, helping you to become the true alchemist that you were born to be. This week you’ll be inspired to try new paths. Don’t hesitate to take on any option that occurs to you. There are no mistakes, especially when you’re the one who knows how to turn anything to gold.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

**Stephanie offers groundbreaking personal readings, including 5D readings, half hour guidance session bundles, transits, relationship readings, returns, and so much more. All of Stephanie’s readings include the recently discovered 5D planets in our solar system, which reveal the Truth about your higher Self. TO SCHEDULE YOUR PRIVATE SESSION, please CLICK HERE:

Scorpio 1/13-1/26/25

Stephanie AzariaWeekly Horoscope - Scorpio

Bi Monthly Horoscopes:  Cancer Full Moon 1 13 25 – 1 28 25
5:27pm EST
23 Cancer 59’
By Stephanie Azaria

  SCORPIO- (October 23-November 22):

When you experience devastating loss or witness it happening in the world it can affect you very deeply. Your emotions run deeper than nearly anyone knows, and that sometimes includes you. Hopefully your feelings will deliver you to the place where your heart kicks into gear and you are moved to be of service to others. You are an alchemist, and when you make the effort to do something out of Love, it will change the world.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

**Stephanie offers groundbreaking personal readings, including 5D readings, half hour guidance session bundles, transits, relationship readings, returns, and so much more. All of Stephanie’s readings include the recently discovered 5D planets in our solar system, which reveal the Truth about your higher Self. TO SCHEDULE YOUR PRIVATE SESSION, please CLICK HERE:

Scorpio 12/30/24-1/12/25

Stephanie AzariaWeekly Horoscope - Scorpio

Bi Monthly Horoscopes:  12 30 24 1 12 25
 Capricorn New Moon (Black Moon)
December 30, 2024
5:27pm EST
9 Capricorn 43
By Stephanie Azaria

SCORPIO- (October 23-November 22):

Stay focused on the aspects of your personality that you feel good about, because the New Moon can trigger you emotionally, and if you’re in a positive state, it will work well for you. You’ll need it because Mars and Pluto are coming into their second (of three) oppositions, and that requires the strength to withstand whatever onslaught of intense energies may come upon you while this aspect perfects. It’s all about where you reach for power.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

**Stephanie offers groundbreaking personal readings, including 5D readings, half hour guidance session bundles, transits, relationship readings, returns, and so much more. All of Stephanie’s readings include the recently discovered 5D planets in our solar system, which reveal the Truth about your higher Self. TO SCHEDULE YOUR PRIVATE SESSION, please CLICK HERE:

Scorpio 12/15-12/29/24

Stephanie AzariaWeekly Horoscope - Scorpio

Bi Monthly Horoscopes:  December 15, 2024 – December 29, 2024
Gemini Full Moon
12 15 24
4:02am EST
23 Gemini 53
By Stephanie Azaria

SCORPIO- (October 23-November 22):

You’ve been reaching for a certain goal for a while now, and just as you thought you’d achieved it, life happened and put a kink in the mechanism. Sometimes when a larger than life event takes over, you have to wait for the ground to stop moving, so to speak, before you can get back to your work. This could take a bit longer than you’d like but be happy with what you’ve already managed to accomplish.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

**Stephanie offers groundbreaking personal readings, including 5D readings, half hour guidance session bundles, transits, relationship readings, returns, and so much more. All of Stephanie’s readings include the recently discovered 5D planets in our solar system, which reveal the Truth about your higher Self. TO SCHEDULE YOUR PRIVATE SESSION, please CLICK HERE: