Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyJan Finley's Channel

For the week of August 27, 2018

You may have noticed by now that The Cosmic Path is undergoing a major gearshift of its own. Ray Rolando has left us to pursue his own path, and I have a major surprise for everyone… JAN FINLEY has signed on to bring us her amazing channels on a weekly basis! I want to thank Ray for his years of service.. Please join me in sending him Love and Blessings for success on his continued path, and please help me welcome Jan to the Cosmic Path fold… I know we all love her already.. Please feel free to let her know how you feel about her new presence here on the site…Stephanie


Restless, restless, the attendants pace the floor.  The labor continues unabated.  Tempers flare, irritations become arguments.  The ticking of the clock only serves as a reminder of time passing, slower and slower it seems.  While the outcomes is assured, frustrations reigns right now.  Hot, sweaty, long hours, one after another.  Observers all, waiting and waiting.
Despite the rhythmic clenching of her womb, She speaks, Your patience is required, your song of faith must fill the rafters. You of all blessed beings on earth should know that now is not the time to falter, but to rejoice.    Free yourselves of impatience and raise your voices in Song. All songs together hold the framework of restoration. Shed your trepidation, your irritation, shed all that does not serve.  Every bit of effort must be be placed in the cauldron from whence the new arises. Put aside the petty squabbling, with each other and within yourselves. Attend me with hearts open and radiant light that together we may restore the Light on Earth.

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.