Align with Divine Mother today and feel her profound embrace and unconditional love. If you resonate with this, meditate on unconditional love today. Acknowledge all the aspects of self (internal and external) that you love unconditionally. Then, in complete non-judgment, work with any areas where you are not able to unconditionally love. Go deeper into the experience and begin to work with it in a way to bring in love. All the Great Saints and Beings tell us there is nothing here but Love/Light. Use the energy of Divine Mother to assist in finding a way to open Love’s floodgates to embrace any experience you are having difficulty in loving.
April Numerology
Welcome April – Welcome Spring – Welcome Sun and Light !!! We have been preparing for this Spring not just for the past few months, but this particular Spring and Summer we have been preparing for eons and it is now here. And don’t we all feel an excitement at the thought of creating, building, manifesting, bringing into form what we have envisioned. For me, the excitement comes from the fact that I feel so different, so new, not the same one who was here last April – don’t you feel that also??? And with this new identity aren’t we are excited to witness how we will bring forth our manifestations that have been gestating within us during the fall and winter. I know you will all agree, that even though we are still in a super intense period, it seems to be getting easier. What used to take, what felt like forever, to change a core issue or bring love into a challenging experience that had manifest, now we can feel the presence and the consciousness of all the 5D planets AND the incredible inner work we have all done which allows all of us to make a choice to bring in love, and we are able to do it with our strong intention and profound will with a greater ease than before. Even still it surprises me. I give THANKS to all of you who are doing such profound inner work to anchor the Light here and I give THANKS to all the Beings of Light, whether we call them stars, planets, earth mother, Angles, Ascended Masters, Light Beings from other universes and dimensions – I give THANKS to all Beings of Light. It is getting easier due to all of your inner work and all of their profound assistance. I am amazed at how much we all can unify, balance, and harmonize with the power of our Blessed Intention!!! Thank YOU!!!
April, the 4th month, IS about intention, construction, building, manifesting, and creating form out of all that has been gestating within us not only for the past few months, but truly for eons because we have never been able to create Heaven on Earth in the empowered way that we are beginning to create now. Never has this been possible…and we are just at the very beginning of what we can create together in love, in unity, in honor, in respect, and in cooperation.
The 4 energy is “big” on structure – it likes a plan – it likes strategy – it calls forth logic – it is practical – it can be methodical – it requires clear intention – it follows the laws of the universe – it is dependable – it is reliable – it is responsible. This energy creates from strength, and from strong empowered intention, and from love, and from dedication, and from equality, and from fairness. Can you feel heart in those words? The 4 energy creates from the heart. We have the genie lamp energetically this month. It is part of the fabric of the 4 energy. We must be so vigilant in our thoughts and especially in our intention. They will manifest right before our eyes. If you are willing, let us together make a commitment to daily set the highest intention for our earth and for all of humanity each day. If we can remember to do this with love and clarity in our hearts daily this month, we will all be amazed at the outcome.
Cosmic Numerology for the year 2017
Welcome Welcome Welcome 2017!!!! We are honored for your energy, your gifts, your Light, your opportunities, your courage, your wisdom, and your inspiration!!! This year offers us with profound and powerful energies to create our new world!!!!!
To name SOME of the gifts that 2017 bring us they are: Light, Illumination, Clarity, Courage, Independence, Empowered Choice, Originality, Will, Determination, Initiative, and Creative Thought. Wow!!! We are all SO READY for these powerful qualities to become enlivened in our lives after the deep and intense clearing and transformation we have all called forth for the past lifetime and even longer!!! Once again, Welcome 2017!!!
To delve more deeply into the energies of 2017, remember that not only are we calling forth these powerful qualities from within (2017 is our reflection of course) but we ARE READY to wield them with clarity, with empowerment, with awareness, with integrity, with LIGHT, AND in coming from our Center which is Unified in LOVE. It takes courage to stand in the face of opposition and to not “take sides – either one polarity or another” but to stand firmly in oneness and hold your truth. It takes a strong WILLINGNESS to want to see the Best in each and every situation, especially when there is pressure to do otherwise. It takes Illumination and Independence and courage to stand firmly in your truth when others pressure you to do what they want. This year we are truly being asked to walk our talk. We have all read the adage “to whom much is given, much is expected” – well, this year much will be required of us because much, much, much has already been given and much more will be given to us. We have the greatest opportunities before us this year to create our “heaven on earth” – maybe not in completion in one year, but certainly we have the opportunities to begin this new life from wherever on our journey we currently reside. And we already know that all beginnings begin within. So the profound Light we are being gifted with this year can be used, to illuminate every part of our consciousness so that we may ferret out any and all thought forms, ideas, and patterns that prevent us from living within ourselves a heaven on earth life. It HAS to begin within – we all know this. Can we awaken each day filled with the gratitude of what we experienced yesterday and the anticipation of this new day full of unlimited potential? Can we allow ourselves to live with joy; to live with excitement; to live with appreciation; to live in partnership with life; to live with a willingness to see and embrace something new; to live engaged WITH life. This year it will be critical to keep an inner eye on our inner attitude and climate to be sure we are living in love – living in Light – living in Connection – living in integrity – honoring our individuality – appreciating all our gifts – appreciating all that life is giving us this very moment – remaining in the now moment – having deep compassion for ourselves and others when we “mess-up” because our “mess-ups” are our greatest teachers and opportunities – allowing our true partnership with life – not through control but through trust and love and a willingness to open to life.
This year is HUGE!!! In order to take full advantage of all it is offering us, it will be helpful to embrace our own huge and unlimited nature in full faith and trust. Especially when our experience is different than we expect or want. When we can let go of our expectations of how things need to be and, without losing our own integrity and our own truth, allow life to unfold as it needs to, and if we can do this in full faith that life loves us and is “on our side” and that the outcome, regardless of what it looks like, IS in our very best interest, then we can and will create our own heaven on earth.
Our heart ALWAYS knows – our Body NEVER lies to us – our mirrors ALWAYS show us something about ourselves. These are the tools that will be so helpful for us to fully trust, engage with, and use to maneuver through this year. Our heart knows what we want and what we don’t want in an instant – it will tell us our truth in an instant, so connecting and LISTENING to our heart this year is more important than ever.
Our body NEVER Lies to us. Anytime we are at a crossroads or have a decision or a choice to make, consult your body – feel it deeply – listen to it – it will NEVER guide you astray – never. Check in with it daily this year. You can feel when you are in center – you can feel when you are on your true pathway – you can feel if a choice you have made is not in alignment with your heart – feel your truth and allow it to guide you this year.
Our mirrors ALWAYS tell us something about ourselves. They have to because all of our life is our own reflection. They may not be a “direct” reflection and you may have to work with the symbols of the mirror. For example, the external terror acts playing out externally do not indicate that you are a terrorist, however, you can ask yourself: how are you internally destroying your gifts, or your opportunities, or do you terrorize yourself with debilitating thoughts or feelings or beliefs, etc. Ask yourself numerous questions. Use your mirrors until you get that internal “yes, that is what this mirror is showing me.” The more you work with them the more they will reveal insights to you about yourself. If you are persistent with working with your mirrors, you will SEE yourself and discover so much about yourself and in that discovery move into creating your heaven on earth.
Another profound gift of 2017 is Inspiration!!!! This will be a major and daily gift during 2017. I will expand on this gift of inspiration during the blogs for each day and each month because there is so much to expand on here. So, please join me in opening your hearts and all of your being to this incredible and miraculous year 2017!!!
For more information about Marie’s work, or to set up a session, please visit her website: www.quietmountains.com Or call (720) 340-4670