This universal 5 day reflects the heart of the Divine Feminine and a Christed energy within the context of this adventurous and unpredictable month of July. We can feel the change of the prior month echoing and reverberating into this month and downloading into the very cells of our body, revealing the full Truth of who we are and allowing us an opportunity to follow our spiritual path to a destination of unmatched compassion and insight. We are elevating the Divine Feminine in this moment through our continued creative manifestation of our ideals and through spiritual endeavor. A hidden 7:7 star gate (July/7:5+11 = 16 = 7) is beckoning us inward, straight to the Divine Feminine heart, to see our Truth and reflect it out into the world.
Cosmic Numerology for July, 2018
June and July may feel like the same month to some people, especially as kids when you’re off school during the summer months. Is it still hot out this month? About as hot as last month (at least, here in the northern hemisphere—our environment provides all the necessary tools for divination, so feel free to find your own context and referential language). Are things still moving and shaking? You bet they are. Time still moves fast in July, with the long hours of daylight reflecting the length of days that lead up to the solstice providing ample opportunities for fun in the sun. So what’s different about this month, in terms of its identity?
Well, let’s start with the code embedded in the names. Comparing JUNE (1+3+5+5 = 14 = 5) versus JULY (1+3+3+7 = 14 = 5) is less about comparing essence than it is the machinations of their inner identities, the codes embedded in their names. If we’re to compare these months astrologically, we get breezy Gemini moving into fluid and frothy Cancer versus fluid Cancer evaporating against the fiery heat of Leo. The elements/numbers embedded in the months’ names may produce a similar overall feeling, but as circumstances progress over the course of these months and we continue to absorb the heat of summer, the processes indicate disparate effects, as do the astrological components. June reveals itself as an active and spiritually catalytic enterprise that produces repeated and massive change, while July focuses on these catalytic energies to induce a more spiritual expression of these changeful energies of summer. That’s what happens when you move from 6 to 7, as well; we go from two dynamic spiritual identities, a nice, round number to show us how harmony works, to a Wild Card that is 7, opening us up to all the colors of the rainbow.
In the month of July, the traditional fourth sign and 6 o’clock hour Cancer makes way for fifth sign and 7 o’clock hour Leo in order to manifest a spiritual quest for our newly elevated Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine inner dynamic, a quest that will later evolve the individual beyond the diverse self and integrate them with a diverse community and a diverse outer world in which to explore and learn. What do we learn in the 7 o’clock hour of Cosmic Consciousness?
We learn about the Christed self, found in the spirit of boundless love for the journey we find ourselves on and practiced through emotional discipline expressed as gratitude for all experience. We discover our relationship with the Mirror that exists outside us. We reach the Christed self by getting in touch with our emotional power through the Cancer quality of consciousness and feeling the feelings that come at the beginning of a powerful spiritual month such as July, then transcending them with gratitude in Leo. In the dead of summer, we find ourselves fully alive and spiritually encumbered, but only in the sense that we realize as the witness to our inner and outer worlds that there is a separate, spiritual element to this experience of consciousness in physical form. We are not alone, nor are we ever, and so we must show the witness that we can live honestly and circumspectly, balancing the inner and outer worlds through cohesion and awareness of the Mirror structure of unconscious self-as-universe, which will allow us to then unite the inner and outer worlds as a whole conscious experience.
Patterns of star gates and hidden codes will reveal themselves in similar fashion to last month, but rather than a focus on identity, we begin to see these codes offering more guidance with respect to interpersonal dynamics and relationship. We see the masterful teaching moments of July as indicative of a kind of change that resonates through more practiced introspection and meditation, a kind of change that demands more focus within and more equanimity without. We are embodied spiritual beings, and it is the nature of Spirit to witness the events of physical and to judge accordingly. Judging from spirit is not the same as judging from our physical vantage point, as the Higher Self witnesses from a whole rather than partial perspective that is the height of accomplished observation in 3D density; in July, we begin seeing the world without change drastically now that the necessary identity questions of June and her Divine Feminine insights regarding self have been fully integrated to create change within; the test, the journey, the lesson comes when we begin to witness in the physical and pass judgment as if we are spiritual, lacking the fuller perspective. Spirituality is inborn, but when born into separation, it must be found through practice. The fuller perspective must reveal itself through self-discipline in relationship. Self-discipline is not a patriarchal concept. It is simply finding the wisdom of our prior (6 energy) Divine Feminine insights within ourselves.
See the structure of JULY’s identity, then, as a code for what must come next when our practices move into a month marked by spiritual endeavor and evolving spirit through relationship. Witness the Divine Masculine (1,2,3/3) and Divine Feminine (4,5,6/3) emanate their combined masterful teaching energies (UL = 33/Divine Feminine 6 essence expressed as Masterful Teacher 33, reflective Divine Father spiritual energy disposed by the Divine Feminine essence) from the heart of JULY (5, the essence of the name) and see the elevated action of the Divine Father (J = 10) leading this connective, changeful endeavor supported by our spiritual practice (Y = 25/7). In other words, JUNE asked you to find the Divine Feminine within; JULY asks you to find the Divine Feminine (2/4,5,6/6) and Divine Masculine (1/1,2,3/3) within and watch how they play together, masterfully teaching us about love and life, and then see that reality reflected out in the world. The moment you forget we are at play in order to evolve our spiritual selves (3/7,8,9/9), the dynamics between the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine have nowhere to go except haywire. There is no true relationship without our higher/spiritual selves providing the witnessing for us to intuitively tap into. There is only chaotic connection and separation between outwardly focused, self-aggrandizing masculine and feminine masculine-feminine identities. Spirit provides the guidance for relationship (7), unity (8), and completion of physical mastery (9) so that we may evolve into our spiritually manifested God-selves (10) and find our masterful intuition (11) to lead us to Christed identities (12) who provide karmic effects (13) through their interaction with physical space (14). JULY = 14 = 5. Change will come this month, and it comes by becoming the witness to the unfolding of creation itself, without judgment.
In the 7 month of an 11 year, we see this spiritual witnessing of relationship unify the polarities of one/1 and all/8 (7 + 11 = 18). In July, we see the change of identity produced by June leading into the unification of all time and space that will reveal itself in August (1+3+7+3+1+2 = 17 = 8, 8 month/8 identity). Leo in July is our practice for Leo in August. Welcome to the precipice of the Lion’s Gate.
Cosmic Numerology for the year 2018
This is the second master intuitive year of the new millennium. 2+0+1+8 =11, and 11 is not reduced when practicing numerology, necessarily. 11 is the number that reflects the nature of our dualistic universe, the mirror that exists in each individual’s perception of the reality we share. It is the elevated 2; numerologically equal in value, but illustrative not only of connection but of activity and receptivity in one definable unit, illustrative of the true nature of consciousness, a collection of identities or archetypes within a cohesive system, one beside another, all serving a divine purpose, defining order amidst seeming chaos.
So if this is the second master 11 year of the millennium, that begs the question: How was your 2009 (2+0+0+9=11)? Let me tell you a little about mine:
In 2009, I graduated with high honors, receiving my bachelor’s degree at the age of 25; I was a bit late to receiving my degree compared to many people my age. I was nevertheless very proud of the accomplishment. I had earned my degree by way of pursuing a triple major in literature, creative writing, and psychology, in the face of what many considered a crippling mental illness. Despite severe bipolar disorder and a slew of medications that altered my perceptions and personal gifts immeasurably, I persevered and accomplished something I wasn’t sure I could. And unfortunately for me, I did so just in time to watch my country’s economy crash. Turns out, when the shit hits the fan, English and psychology majors aren’t exactly in high demand out there in the U.S. economy, though in all fairness, most of my friends graduated into similarly dire circumstances, regardless of our educational pursuits.
Do you remember 2009? It was a personally polarizing year, by my estimation, but how about collectively? Do you remember the U.S. swearing in its first black president, the 44th president Barack Obama (let’s just remember that derivatives of 11 are likewise not reduced to put that number in perspective), a moment that brought tears of joy to so many of us who grew up in a racially divided world? Do you remember the backlash to his administration, the huge political demonstrations, the polarization of the electorate in response to his campaign’s resounding victory, which then called the resounding victory into question as the administration seemed to collapse under the weight of the expectations placed upon it?
Yeah, me neither. I remember drinking myself stupid in my parents’ basement, feeling sorry for myself. I remember searching for jobs in the morning, getting tipsy in the afternoon, and trying to come up with some excuse for my miserable existence in the evening while pretending to be sober enough to carry on reasonably intelligent conversations with my parents, who were kind enough to house me during some very uncertain times, personally and collectively. I remember my determined atheism, my persistent depression and substance-fueled mood swings, my endless confusion.
Many people will be dwelling in these themes this year, and not all will come out with a smile on their faces, as I did. 11 isn’t an especially kind number to the resistant, if we’re looking at this from a 3D perspective. It is the number of enlightenment, and enlightenment can come in the form of revelatory bliss or agonizing disintegration. It is not for the faint of heart.
But there is good news, folks.
As a life path 11, I can tell you that working with the energies of 11 becomes a privilege once you recognize what is being asked of you, and that is total surrender. That is a request on behalf of God, the Universe, that can only be answered by the emerging Divine Feminine energies that represent the new order of this millennium. In the year 2000, I lost my mind, and the only company I had left was my broken heart. The energies of 11 rebirth the heart like a phoenix from the ashes and teach you to live through the heart, where truth enters the physical plane, rather than the mind, where darkness resides, coloring in the shadows that determine our perception of depth in the physical world and create the stories that inform our worldly interactions.
2009 sent a shockwave across the Earth. Find your heart, and begin to live through it, was the request. It is the test and the trial of our times. Many of us intuitively answered the call, some of us (like me) stumbling there in the midst of our pain. 2012 would mark the end of an epoch, the Kali Yuga, and there would not be much time to heed the call before the energies sealed our fates a few years later, either way.
We are still here, in these intense times of transition, and this second master intuitive year asks you to connect with the energies of the first to produce a new conscious identity that will cohere the expanse of the human collective. We are overseeing this birthing process now, as Stephanie Azaria has evidenced for us in her daily analysis of the planetary behaviors.
Let’s back up a bit. So how will this master 11 year present differently than 2009?
Well, for all you astrology fans out there, I have a way of conceiving of this distinction. Imagine the most dynamic connections you can find in a chart. You might argue that these would be the four corners: stepping stones/squares and bridges/oppositions. Makes sense numerologically. These angles produce a 9 energy, the completion of a cycle, and are made more dynamic by the involvement of the 0 Prime Creator energy supporting the essence of the angle. Stepping stones give us a 90 degree angle, represented by the combination of the 9 and 0 energies. Bridges give us 180 degree aspects, also delivering us to a 9 energy through the 1, 8, and 0. Seeing some numbers in common with our first two master intuitive years of this millennium?
Think of 2009 like an intersection, the combination of two stepping stones. There was a fork in the road preceding the 2012 end to the Kali Yuga (universal 5 year of change). We chose what we chose, and it delivered us to this moment in 2018.
2018 leads with the energies of the emerging feminine order, 2, integrates the prime creator energy of 0 (no longer doubled in mastery a la 2009, as our own mastery is now beckoned to engage where the Prime Creator was infusing this energy the first time), supported by new beginnings (1) and a balancing and unifying of the collective (8). We are seeing the dynamic of a double bridge in this second master intuitive year of the 2000s. Where there was a fork in the road before, now the energies have set two high-speed energetic streams moving back and forth next to each other, and hopping on one will lead you straight into the polarity of the moment. We are separating into light and dark, masculine and feminine, and those who have not done the work of centering themselves in the heart will find themselves disintegrating. But when you take the higher perspective of the 11, you see that these fast-moving energies are really encompassing a singular, larger dynamic that can be all things to all people. It is the opportunity for healing of the highest order.
For those of us that have opened our hearts, who have been learning the language of the universe, the gift we have to share with the world is our recognition that all (8) are one (1/8), and in searching our own expanded, masterful hearts, we have the keys to awaken every single human mind in an instant by unifying these polarities we are experiencing. Compassion is the emerging energetic language, written by the Divine Feminine herself, and we are learning it every single moment we spend in this magnificent year.
You can reach Jameson Bair for comments or questions at jameson.numbers@gmail.com