New Moon Report- October 12, 2023

Beth NolteMoon Report, New Moon Report






New Moon 21ºLibra 07’

Oct 14, 2023; 1:55 pm EDT

Solar Eclipse

Written by Beth Nolte


Hello Fabulous!


On this day the Moon crosses in front of the Sun. It’s a reset of consciousness. In Libra, the sign of the mirrored self… how perfect! Here’s the medicine we need now, wouldn’t you say?


Welcome, New Moon Solar eclipse! This wormhole is open until the next New Moon on November 13.


Where is your heart walking backwards? Are you often going over the wrongs and misdeeds related to past hurts? Walking backwards is challenging. Many stumbles are likely, but most of all, it’s impossible to see the path ahead.


When you’re crossing back over the paths of your life’s trauma, the invitation of this New Moon is to take a step up from where you were. From an enlightened state, what do you see? What are your insights? Is it possible to appreciate the others in your life more fully? Is there greatness in the other that you can identify? Look closely, as that greatness is also your own.


Humanity is in the process of facing fear and learning to rise out of the depths and chaos into states of embodied spirit. Yes, like the phoenix rising. The new Moon’s square to Pluto is a stepping stone to flight, to rebirth and resurrection! If you want this, go ahead and say YES!


Holding the other side of a bridge, sitting opposite the New Moon is Chiron –the shamanic force within. Chiron, the Master Healer Teacher, demonstrates that wholeness is healing. Healing is wholeness.


Forget about curing the wounds. What happens if you create a space that’s beyond right and wrong, and invite in the banished parts of you? Allow them to warm in the heat of your fiery Heart. What if they melted in your Love? Merged. Complete. Ahhhhhh! If you want this, go ahead and feel the sweet release!


The way you process what’s happening around you along with your actions and motivations are all wrapped up in this moment. You can benefit from this hard reset. At its core is your heart realigning around how you understand and what you do about it. Mercury and Mars are conjunct the New Moon, meaning there are cycles ending as new ones begin.


Mercury will meet the Sun to begin a new cycle on Oct 19. Mars started a new cycle with the Sun last week and then entered Scorpio on Oct 12.


Mars currently sits in the lap of Haumea, at the zero degree of Scorpio. This new dwarf planet of 5D consciousness, named after the Hawaiian creation Goddess, is a mother that honors all parts, pieces and the spaces in between. Feel your motivation coming from and connected to a higher Source.


Where do you find the Light in you? Can you allow it to fill you completely? See the Sun? It’s a sliver of what you’ve got to shine.


Happy New Moon. Remember – this is the first of two eclipses – we’re in this wormhole until the next New Moon on November 13.


Love You!


For more on hearts walking backwards, see The Seven Paths: Changing One’s Way of Walking in the World.


New Moon Aspects for Meditation:

Earth Star Chakra, aka South Node new cycle (conjunct)

Pluto stepping stone (square)

Chiron bridge (opposition)

Mercury new cycle (conjunct)

Mars new cycle (conjunct)

Haumea new cycle (conjunct)

Uranus great eliminator (quincunx)


Uranus and Pluto manifestation (trine)

Neptune and Pluto resource (sextile)