New Moon Report- January 11, 2024

Beth NolteMoon Report, New Moon Report








Written by Beth Nolte

January 11, 2024; 6:58am EST

New Moon at 20 Capricorn 44

HEY! Happy new year. 

Here’s to the New Moon at 20 Capricorn 44!

Feel like you’re standing at an epic crossroads, while giving birth? 

That’s what it is.

Fun fact: In 2020, when Saturn and Pluto came together at 22 Capricorn, Ceres, the cosmic midwife, powerful feminine archetype was at this very spot of the Capricorn New Moon (20 Capricorn).

You’ve been here before, but it was totally different. You were totally different. 

Just to show you how different things are now, imagine this year, Saturn, whose home is Capricorn, invites you to a vision board party. Even if vision boarding is not your thing, you accept. Of course. It’s Saturn. 

It happens at the crossroads, you’re still in labor, Saturn shows up wearing fuzzy slippers and hauling every magazine under the sun. You can cut out any image you want. There’s gel pens, glitter, all the stuff. 

As the archetype of form and structure, Saturn knows that to do the work, the vision has to inspire. What’s the feeling you’re gonna go back to when the work gets hard? 

What kind of beingness are you striving to become? 

YOU – in your full divine power. What’s it feel like? How will you celebrate?

In this moment you merge the energy of striving and being. The duality between the masculine and feminine blurs; the sacred union is alive in you. 

Feel more clarity around your actions. There’s higher alignments coming through – archetypes of soul level purpose and new thought paradigms (Ixion and Quaoar) are on either side of Mars. Mercury hangs out at 27 Sagittarius, the degree of the Galactic Center, streaming the downloads of truth you need to succeed. 

Saturn in Pisces, your host for this party, sits at the center of two near perfect sextiles; one to Mars, action/motivation in Capricorn and the other to Jupiter, expansion/growth in Taurus. You’re both resourced and resourceful. 

Saturn raises their cup to you and asks, What’s the best part about being the universe embodied? 

The New Moon resets collective consciousness. On January 11, this event happens in a square to the Moon’s opposing South and North nodes, creating a stepping stone between karma/dharma, Earth Star/Soul Star energetic portals and transpersonal bridge of root/source.

Duality starts and ends and begins again. 

Capricorn is the energy of your inner guru. Inner guru equals inner work. Is it your inner work; your participation in the collective death-rebirth cycle; your ability to ride the contractions and tune into the glory coming through; your joy at being; or anything else?….

What’s the best part about being the universe embodied? 

Happy new year! So glad you’re here. EmojiEmojiEmojiEmoji

**Picture used Source**(