Saturday, January 23, 2016
8:45pm EST, 5:45pm PST, 1:45am (1/24) GT
3 Leo 29
Full Moon in Leo reflecting Sun in Aquarius today 1/23/16 at 5:45pm PST/ 8:45 pm EST. In Cosmic Consciousness, Leo is where we find the blessings in our life and shine our Light.
As we practice loving ourselves unconditionally with steadfast determination, we are more and more able to take down our walls and let our brilliance be seen.
It is so important to practice gratitude for all that comes our way, chances are that there are difficult situations going on in our lives. We are Beacons of Light and focusing on the blessings help keep the fire stoked.
It is a potent time for growth and Awakening to our true potential with the mind just embarking on a new cycle of transformation and an ongoing evolutionary process of expansion into the Wholeness we are. Be gentle and loving with yourselves whatever comes up, this is the key.