October 2023 Monthly Aspects

Shelly LealCall, Monthly Aspects

by Shelly Leal

October 2023

October proves to be a very deep, alchemical month, with 4 planets shifting into Scorpio, the sign of transmutation, highest vision, and manifestation. There are 2 other sign changes, and 2 eclipses this month as well, whose sideways elevators take us to new places we never could have imagined—talk about transformation!


Haumea, who retrograded back into Libra in April, enters Scorpio again 10/1, this time for good. Scorpio is the creator part of our energy field. It’s here we create life itself, or bring what we envision into physical being. With Haumea here for the next 26 years, our capacity to create will increase exponentially. It remains to be seen how we will use this creative potential.


On the same day, the Sun-Pallas new cycle occurs, making a Lightbridge with Salacia; we have access to the divine feminine wisdom of letting things be as they are, and finding the joy in that.  The following day, 10/2, the Sun meets MakeMake, the 2nd personal planet to do so, making us aware of the higher universal laws. It’s Pallas’ turn next, greeting MakeMake on 10/3.


Between 10/3 and 10/4 Mars makes a triple new cycle with Arcturus and the Earth Star Chakra (karmic South Node). Old wounds stored in the body may come up for clearing, but new discoveries are possible too, especially those dealing with health or our place in the cosmos. Mars enters Scorpio 10/12, and immediately conjoins Haumea in a new cycle of creativity that could involve physical actions such as dance, theater or sports. By 10/29 Mercury has made it over to Mars for a new cycle of mind-body integration.


Mercury is having another busy month. Moving swiftly, the Great Messenger enters Libra 10/4 and becomes one of a 7-part stellium. On 10/9 Mercury has his turn with the waiting MakeMake for a new cycle of turning our thoughts to the unequivocal higher laws that govern us all. The Mercury-Pallas new cycle 10/12 aids us in thinking objectively and collaboratively; it’s the last of 2 prior conjunctions. The following day our mental operating systems become imbued with intensity as Mercury enters the via combusta. He makes his own new cycles with Arcturus and the S. Node 10/18-19. First, we feel these connections in our bodies, then we become conscious of them and can think about what they mean, keeping in mind the Lightbridge with the Soul Star and Eris. This can prove to be a disruptive time, but although it might be uncomfortable, it doesn’t have to be negative.


According to Cosmic Consciousness, the Sun and Mercury hold the energies of the divine masculine, and when they come together in a superior conjunction 10/20, there is a balance of those energies. Then Mercury runs ahead. On 10/22, after only 18 days in the sign of the Mirrored Self, Mercury enters Scorpio and conjoins with Haumea. By 10/29 he meets Mars for a strengthening of the mind-body connection. What we think can manifest in the body. The body can also provide validation–or not–for some of our visions; then we’ll know how to proceed. Mercury leaves the via combusta 10/31.


Returning to the Sun’s journey, he enters the Fiery Way 10/8, and we might feel the energies step up a bit. The bridge with Chiron can help soften that somewhat. On 10/14 the Sun and Moon come together for the New Moon annular solar eclipse in Libra, just 3° away from the Earth Star Chakra and Arcturus, opposite the Soul Star Chakra (evolutionary North Node) and Eris. Mercury and Pallas also form a bridge with Chiron, signifying that a different way of thinking and communicating can heal old wounds and bring us forward. New discoveries and understandings can also change our way of thinking.  Astraea now has domain over this eclipse, and she is in a stepping stone with MakeMake, a great eliminator with Chariklo and an intimate (semisextile) aspect with Varuna, all very high energies. The balance we seek is available; if we can get comfortable with the highest perspective we can muster, we can find stability, in accordance with divine law. This is a good environment in which to have our consciousness rebooted.


From there, the Sun makes new cycles with Arcturus and the Earth Star on 10/18, right before Mercury does the same. As stated, the two archetypes come together 10/20, and the Sun enters Scorpio 10/23, becoming part of the 5-planet stellium in the sign of alchemy and transformation. The Sun-Haumea new cycle 10/24 increases our awareness of our own creative potential. This is fortuitous since the Sun, Mercury and Mars are all in the via combusta and things might feel intense. On 10/28 The Full Moon lunar eclipse in Taurus occurs; the nodes are close enough to create a partial eclipse. This reboot of emotional response feels markedly different from the previous eclipse; the Sun is surrounded by Haumea, Mercury and Mars, and the Moon is near Jupiter. We can feel our emotions with our bodies, which are always truthful. Intuition is strong as well. What we envision can come to fruition when we put love into it.


Speaking of love, because of her retrograde, Venus is still in Leo at the beginning of the month. While there, she communes with the Black Moon again 10/5 before she enters Virgo 10/8. Here the heart aligns and purifies, gaining wisdom in the process. It’s not an easy sign for Venus to navigate, but it yields mastery of the heart. It’s here that Black Moon finds Venus for another meeting 10/16, uncovering blocks emotional clarity. The 10/25 Venus-Orcus new cycle reminds us that love is everlasting. This lesson is brought home by the Black Moon’s new cycle with Venus 10/29.


Gradually we should find the intensity of the month letting up, as Ceres (10/21) and Mercury (10/31) move out of the via combusta. With 4-5 planets in Scorpio, we are faced with making sure that what we envision is truly what we want, or else we will end up with unwanted manifestations. That is how powerful we are. Pluto, the dispositor of Scorpio, stations direct 10/10, retracing his steps as he prepares to enter Aquarius again in January 2024. Chariklo, 10° away in Aquarius, stations direct 10/19. It’s an opportunity to speak up for the underserved and abused.


I offer short, written 5D readings based on one question. For more details and pricing, please email me at sleal929@gmail.com, with your birth information and your question. I look forward to hearing from you!

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