Despite all the vast life-altering changes of the past couple of months, the week ahead holds yet another major redirect and you’ll want to take advantage of it. Look to those places where you’ve been seeking to go forward but have found the doors closed, or obstacles popping up whenever you took a step toward it. The quantum leap is usually a preordained moment that happens exactly when it’s meant to. Of course, every important moment happens at the exact perfect time, because everything aligns within you and ‘out there’, and that makes it seem as though it happened with a seamless rhythm. In Truth, everything is perfect, all the time, and adopting that awareness makes it possible to move through the places that have seemed out of the question before. This is no time to ask questions.
Take a deep breath and go.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
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