There’s no one who gets more out of a successful deep dive into the core of your emotions than you do, and that’s really great, because you’re headed straight for the most profound inner discovery you’ve ever known. Don’t bother looking around your life for clues. They may be out there, but they won’t help you to achieve the spectacular success that’s available to you if you go at this on the inner plane. Feel all that you feel. Notice that your emotions are more intense than usual, and let them come up for all they’re worth. It’s by feeling your feelings that you allow your Self access to what’s been hiding underneath, at the core of your being. Call it what you will… your cauldron, your cave, your crater lake… Every Scorpio has one.
It’s time to get to the bottom of it.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
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