It’s been an interesting couple of months for you, beginning back in June when you set out to keep an important promise to your Self to do something that would strengthen your character and solidify your resolve for success that is well within your reach. It’s ALWAYS been within your reach, but sometimes you forget about how capable you are, and that can make your achievements seem pretty far away. Hopefully you know now that it’s all an illusion, and that plugging away at whatever’s in your heart to do will always get you there. Now the eclipse passage that has dominated the last two months completes with the Leo New Moon on Wednesday. There’s still some clearing away of old habits to do, but the clarity is more profound than ever.
It’s a very exciting moment that STILL requires your consistent plugging away…
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
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