Mercury and Venus Cosmic Consciousness

Shelly LealCosmic Consciousness Articles

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Mercury and Uranus form a New Cycle (conjunction) in the Cosmic Consciousness 1 o’clock hour of Aquarius, the hour of Spiritual Love, where we drop our defenses and learn to love ourselves as Source does. How do we do that? With loving thoughts for ourselves and others; with a willingness to be vulnerable and open. Thoughts become things; who knows what breakthroughs we will tap when we love fearlessly.


At the same time, Venus begins a New Cycle with Ceres, in the 2 o’clock Pisces hour of Spiritual Wisdom, where we face our fears and expand into ourselves more fully. Ceres nurtures us and attends to us as we grieve over those attachments left behind and no longer needed; she resurrects from the ashes that which we need for our journey forward at the heart level. She has the assistance of Sedna as a resource (sextile) in Taurus, who holds the space for us and encourages us to connect ourselves with our inner guidance. Sedna helps us to be grounded even as she teaches non-attachment. She gives us the bigger picture, where we can see our deepest fears as ancient attachments, and slowly work to detach from them. These very Divine Feminine energies work with the Divine Masculine energies of the newly calibrated Mercury, bringing us to ascencion.


At the heart level we are being prepared for the core disruption that Eris brings when she meets with Mercury in a few days.

Mercury Juno Cosmic Consciousness

Shelly LealCosmic Consciousness Articles

Monday, March 28, 2016

Mercury is having a busy week, and today he makes a Great Eliminator with Juno in Scorpio. Juno is our unity consciousness, our relationship with ourselves and our unity within ourselves and with others. Applying this to our highest vision, we have the opportunity to choose to love with the mind, to remember that we are really, in essence, One Mind, and to apply conscious discipline by directing our thoughts and words towards Love and away from fear. Jupiter’s influence in Virgo adds wholing and wisdom, and creates a Finger of God aspect with Mercury at the apex. We are being prepared for what arises when Mercury connects with Uranus later in the week. A good mantra for today is WE ARE NOT WE, BUT ONE.

Venus Pluto Cosmic Consciousness

Shelly LealCosmic Consciousness Articles

Saturday, March 26, 2016

I am always struck by how a chart will reveal what is going on inside us, and how we put energies out there and therefore, in ourselves that help us evolve, whether we are aware of it or not. Today’s chart of the Venus/Pluto resource (sextile) shows Venus in the Cosmic Consciousness Libran 9th hour of the mirrored self, and Pluto in the 11th Sagittarius hour of finishing the game, clearing old habits and triumphing over the lower self. Our hearts are being transformed at the highest level, as we realize that we are mirrors for each other, and we CAN end this game by coming from the heart in everything we do, especially at the physical level.


At the same time the Sun (in the 9th hour) makes a manifestation (trine) with Mars in the Cosmic Clock 1 o’clock hour of unconditional Self Love. Can you hear the Universe screaming “LOVE YOURSELF” more clearly? Mars represents the physical plane and our actions; Sun represents our life force energy and our personal consciousness, our spiritual essence. You can see why Sun/Mars aspects are interpreted as intense and combative. Yet, looking at it from a higher perspective, with this manifestation we can express our Essence in the physical world through our actions. Sun/Mars can be an expression of anger or passion; adding awareness to it makes for action in congruence with who we are.  Today we are shining our Light on our physicality, our environment and our actions. Once again, we are loving ourselves unconditionally through nurturing and honoring our bodies and the environment, through conscious compassionate action. Mercury is nearby, so add loving thoughts and words into the mix. It is no coincidence that Mars is the ruler of Aries, and the Sun and Mercury are rising on the ascendant, in Aries. It is also no coincidence that the Sun, Mercury and Venus are part of a stellium in the Libran 9th hour of Self-realization (along with Ceres {new life}, Chiron {wholing, healing, mastery}, the Earth Star Chakra {karma} and Neptune {faith and trust}!). We are getting quite an upgrade, helping us realize that whatever is going on around us, it is what’s within us that counts.


Happy and blessed Easter!


Pure Cosmic Consciousness

Shelly LealCosmic Consciousness Articles

Thursday, March 17, 2016

My brother-in-law passed away suddenly on March 9th, and I learned a great deal about observing my thoughts and emotions, and discerning one from the other. Often we think about our emotions rather than feel them, and confuse emotionality with rationality. At tender times like these, where the energies are so high, we need to feel our feelings, name them and let them through. When we do, they don’t fester within us, subtly directing our thoughts and actions until we are separate from ourSelves. Like waves they arise, then fall and dissipate and we watch them go. Unacknowledged emotions gather momentum until they break through the levee of suppression and overwhelm us, resulting in words and actions that can’t be undone.  The damage they cause is just as devastating as a tsunami. It helped me to go deeper and ask myself, ‘is this a thought or a feeling?’ If it was the latter, I could quiet my mind and let it step aside, so the feeling could come through in all its glory, in waves of tears, sadness and grief. As the emotion receded I would feel drained, yet peaceful and cleansed, ready to resume a conversation or comfort another, until the next wave came. At the service we shared tears, and laughter as well. Nothing heals a hurting heart like laughter; it releases the pressure and lets love flow outwards.


There has never been a more important time to consciously be aware of our thoughts and direct them with Love. From the observer’s perch we can determine if an emotion is driving our thoughts; if we are picking up others’ emotions and holding them as our own; if the constant low-level patter of our minds is becoming too loud and draining our energies, infecting us with anxiety and fear, which begets anger and more; as we seek to raise our energies and relieve the pressure of the having them circulate wildly with no place for expression. Some people confuse excess energy as anxiety or fear, and it can manifest as palpitations when it just needs to be expressed in physical movement as dance or exercise, or even singing. All must be allowed to flow.


We are all attracted to those who have positive energy; they are so open, they seem to have so much life in them; they go with the flow. They allow their energies to move through them, and try not to let thoughts and feelings  get stuck. But it is a conscious process of allowing things to surface without judgment or analysis, and with awareness and acknowledgement. And love. That’s when we consciously choose to give ourselves an inner hug, and love ourselves with our minds by choosing to tell ourselves positive, kind thoughts (“ I was able to exercise today, I AM strong and persevering”) even if we don’t feel it. Thoughts can bring us up or down; why not choose the former?


Today’s energies features a Mercury/Chiron/Earth Star Chakra (South Node) new cycle, or conjunction. Mercury and Chiron coming together speak to our healing (and wholing) ourselves through loving thoughts and actions. In the limitless realm of Pisces, these thoughts and actions reverberate, touching us on many levels. Conversely, as we heal ourselves, we teach ourselves to be more aware of our thinking and direct it more positively. Having the Earth Star Chakra as part of this healing—how rare is that, connecting with this cycle?—allows us to acknowledge the issues from the past that present to us now, with their old feelings and thoughts that no longer serve us but which still affect and direct us without our awareness. Here is our chance to see these issues, thoughts and feelings for the gifts they are, take what we need from them; and bless and let the rest go. Doing this we lighten and erase our karma, allowing us to go forth and cross the bridge to the Soul Star Chakra (North Node) into our futures with more love, compassion and awareness. Every smile, every loving thought, every word of kindness heals us all.