
Stephanie AzariaCall, Weekly Horoscope - Capricorn

You’re in the middle of forming an entirely new sense of Self, courtesy of the major gathering of planets in your sign and Chiron’s entry into Aries, where the Self-Realization process begins again. Everything is new. Don’t let those nagging long-held fears get the better of you. Consider them gone – because they are. Or they will be, very shortly. The more fully you focus on the newer aspects of your Self that are birthing right now, the less influenced you will be by those fears. They will continue to come up, and you must continue to detach from their power over you. You will have the chance, toward the end of the year, to triumph over them once and for all. For now, taking on an entirely new sense of Self is what’s on your plate.
In the end, nothing will be as important.

***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

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**Stephanie offers all kinds of groundbreaking personal readings, including personal 5D planet readings, half hour guidance sessions, and so much more. All of Stephanie’s readings include the recently discovered planets in our solar system, which reveal the Truth about your higher Self. TO SCHEDULE YOUR PRIVATE SESSION, please CLICK HERE:

2017 Sagittarius New Moon

Vivian SmallCall, Moon Report







Monday, December 18, 2017

1:30 am ET, 10:30pm (12/17) PT, 6:30am GT

26 Sagittarius 31

What an interesting Moon passage we just went through! Duality just does not look the same, does it? The Gemini Full Moon showed that the way to use our ability to change our minds is by embracing the act of seeing more than one perspective at the same time. It felt like the scales were falling from our individual and collective vision. This reminded us to stand back a bit and look at events and our responses to them as an observer, thus making it easier to discern what we are really feeling at any one point in time.

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Stephanie AzariaCall, Weekly Horoscope - Leo

Consider the Sun and what it can See from its very lofty perspective. It can light up the whole world and so much more with its rays, energizing every person place or thing that it touches. The Sun is the ruler of your sign, and it is returning home this week, helping you to feel stronger and more empowered than you have for some time. As the Sun moves through your sign, recognize that you are one with its life force, and that your energy is every bit as far reaching. Your influence is as strong, and so is your warmth. When you go inward to identify with the Sun, you empower your Self to serve as the Light for all you encounter. This is the moment to realize the Truth about your Self.

Your very presence inspires joy and revitalizes all it graces.

***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

**Stephanie is now offering personal 5D PLANET READINGS. TO SCHEDULE YOUR PRIVATE SESSION, please CLICK HERE:

The Action of Cosmic Consciousness

Shelly LealCall

Sunday May 8, 2016

Happy Mothers Day to the Mother in You!

By the time you read this it will be Monday, but I could not let this day go by without commenting on today’s  chart for 12 noon. As Stephanie said, as quiet as today was, there was still lots of activity in the cosmos. Mars is still in a stepping stone (square) aspect with Orcus, exact at noon on Sunday, giving us an opportunity to make use of the strengths we have accumulated from the planetary archetypes that make up the square. Orcus is where we are when we are not in physical form, the world between worlds, and Mars is nothing if not the physical form that we inhabit right now. We are called on to stretch our understand that we are more than our physical bodies, even while we honor, care for and accept the limitations of our physicality. Here on earth, we are grounded in the physical, rooted to the earth, even while we are simultaneously reaching for the heavens. Orcus gives us the greater understanding that we are Spirit having a physical experience, that our time here is brief, impermanent, and meant to be joyous; another stop on the journey. Working with this understanding puts us on the path to wholeness.


Mercury connects to the nodes in an exact resource with Earth Star Chakra (South Node) and an exact manifestation with the Soul Star Chakra (North Node). With our newly upgraded mental systems, we have the resources to change the way we think and communicate, manifesting this outwardly in how we speak to ourselves and others, how we share knowledge in writing. We evaluate how we used to do these things, discern what is no longer serving us, and align our Selves with new thoughts, ideas, connections. We are learning to be impeccable with our words, to communicate more clearly, and to focus our thoughts more productively.


It’s a blessing to witness how our minds and bodies are recalibrating at the time that Mars and Mercury are moving towards Source. At the same time, Venus is getting ready to make a connection with Neptune, giving us a resource to apply Higher Love. As we say, you can’t make this up!

Have a beautiful week!