Current Astro Events – March 22, 2024

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman

March 22 – Eclipse week opens with the Sun in Aries and Mars leaving innovative Aquarius to flow into mystical Pisces tonight thru April 30, which aligns with the downshifting pace in the weeks ahead due to the coming Mercury Retrograde that begins on April 1. Make your big purchases this week and get yourself in order if you want to prepare before Mercury’s turnaround, as it will really start to slow down mid-week.

Warrior Mars is a catalyst for taking action and making things happen, but in Pisces the energy is called inward and conflict/confrontation is avoided. A beautiful approach for working with Mars in Pisces is the Taoist practice of Wu Wei, the law of effortless action; moving intuitively and flowing around obstacles.

Allow yourself to withdraw to decompress and recoup your energy as needed – and then take action when you feel ready. Trust your inner guidance re: when and where to move, rather than following the timing, rules or systems dictated by others that don’t resonate with you. (This goes to the North Node in Aries. Trust yourself).

You have your own way of moving through life, and now it’s more important than ever to follow your own rhythm, due to rapid changes, incoming high frequencies and the uncertainty of living in our evolving world. Honoring your personal rhythm requires you to attune to what you feel, rather than what you “think” – or what others want from you. That is the challenge.

You may have to negotiate some boundaries in order to take care of yourself, but that’s your job. If you make the most of Mars in Pisces, you can learn lifelong beneficial skills for maximum operating, self-care and Self-love.

March 24 – Venus sextile Jupiter. Venus-Saturn on March 21 may have been an ending (reality check) – or a decision, commitment, vow or contract that created a new beginning. Now Venus-Jupiter can expand from that ending or beginning – or it may be a feel-good time. With Venus exalted in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus, this can be opportunity, heart- centered generosity, $$, sharing and compassion. A joyful blessing, whether you’re the giver or the receiver – and this is freedom, expansion and Higher Truth (which I’ll reference in the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse below).

March 25 – Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra at 5o – 12am Midnight PDT (3am EDT). Eclipses are wild cards within a wormhole – and things often happen quickly that can move you into a new reality. This is a clearing, a culmination or an ending that will be followed by a Solar Eclipse in two weeks on April 8 (a major new beginning).

The Moon and South Node in Libra speak to relationships and the compromises you have made for the sake of harmony vs. your identity, personal will and desires (Sun, North Node, Chiron in Aries). Consider what needs to change in your relationships and then be proactive and take responsibility for the way you interact with others.

It’s time to release codependent patterns that involve soul-sacrificing agreements, self- abandonment or that diminish who you are in any way. Whether it’s caretaking, perfection, control, DIY or other methods that keep you from your truth, now is a great time to learn to create honest relationships. This is a process worth your time and effort – and it goes to freedom, expansion and Higher Truth offered by Venus sextile Jupiter that’s still active from March 24.

Pluto in Aquarius appears for the first time in an Eclipse, in harmony with the Sun and Moon, activating the potential to transform awareness around identity and relationships with awakenings that propel a quantum leap in consciousness. It feels like this speaks to the collective, as we become more and more aware of what was hidden, maybe in others before we notice ourselves. Stop looking out and start looking within. If you experience a leap, don’t try to control what’s happening, rather, stay awake, ride the wave and see where it takes you.

March 28 – Venus sextile Uranus. This is more authenticity and stimulation for Venus, Ruler of the Lunar Eclipse, as it urges you to explore unusual activities, people, style choices or receive unexpected invites, $$, gifts or opportunities that reveal new aspects of your Self, even surprising You! Take a risk and do something you’ve always wanted to do, but thought yourself out of… if you dare. A good day to be playful, allowing yourself to stretch beyond the usual boundaries.

Trust that whatever is happening is for your Highest Good and be willing to let go to old beliefs, old ways of thinking, old ways of being and relating that do not represent the truth of who you are. And be willing to open to new beliefs, new ways of thinking, being and relating.

Dare to discover the real You, whatever that means, which is rapidly evolving and is always new. If you don’t know what that means, be willing to find out, and trust what happens as feedback from the Universe.

Stay open, show up. There’s so much more to come…

“This isn’t a case of taking a big chance: it’s a matter of giving yourself a big chance.” ~ Price Pritchett

“Every minus you think you have is just a plus waiting for a stroke of awareness.” ~ Mary Manin Morrissey

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2024 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to

create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey.