Current Astro Events – March 8, 2024

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman

March 8 – Mercury conjunct Neptune. We open the week with opportunities for creative inspiration and compassion as Mercury-Neptune in mystical Pisces is highly suggestible and receptive. Not good for details or linear thinking, this duo attunes to feelings, higher consciousness and intuition, the arts, devotional practices, selfless service, as well as resting your mind-body-spirit.

I urge you to recognize the power of dreamy Neptune and Pisces; they can lift you up to the higher vibration of Divine Love, compassion and imagination – or bring you down into disillusionment, confusion and delusion. That’s why intuitive development is so vital now (and moving forward). Being able to determine what is true and right for you is crucial, as we’re living in a world where reality and facts are questionable – and you need your Inner Guidance or Higher Self for reliable discernment. If you don’t know how to connect with your intuition, you can learn. Start by tuning in to how you feel in your body (expanded or contracted) in any given circumstance.

March 9 – Mars square Uranus. Mars in Aquarius craves independence, demanding its own way and square Uranus, ready to take actions that are exciting, rebellious and that honor freedom! This can be like a volcano erupting or a pattern-disrupt, as in making a sudden change if you feel oppressed or trapped in any way. Think twice about your plans, as things may suddenly go awry and end up much differently than anticipated. You may feel edgy, have a short fuse or create a plot twist of your own…

The Sun also sextiles Uranus, urging you to express and honor your Evolving Self. Do something that captures the spirit of who you are now – what you’re interested in, curious about and allow yourself to explore new territory; whatever speaks to you or wherever you want to do/be/have something different. The Great Awakener is here to support your Authentic Self! Think about what that means for You if you’re withholding, hiding or stuck in a role or playing smaller than you really are.

Mercury leaves Pisces to enter fiery Aries tonight. Mercury in Aries is clear, impulsive, will speak up, has little patience and is direct. Because Mercury will turn Retrograde on April 1, it will be in Aries from March 9 – May 15.

March 10 – New SuperMoon @ 20o Pisces – 1:00am PST (Daylight Savings Time begins one hour later). Spring forward!

This opens the Eclipse Wormhole (a cosmic shortcut between two vastly different realities) and in the Wormhole, fated events that have a major impact on you are for your Divine unfoldment.

This is the final New Moon before the Eclipses (Lunar – March 25, Solar – April 8). The New Moon is an opportunity to begin again, and in emotional Pisces, tap into the Oneness of All That Is and envision your dreams. I call Pisces “orchid” energy – mystical and sensitive, requiring extra special care (those with dominant Pisces planets and angles know what I’m talking about :)).

Everyone can benefit from special care these days, especially your nervous system and a limited diet of news and carefully curated info that is delivered with as much neutrality as possible. More Self-care = greater well being for All. More love and compassion = greater well being for All.

Neptune (Ruler of Pisces) is conjunct the New SuperMoon, while Jupiter in Taurus (co-Ruler of Pisces) sextiles Saturn and the New Moon, adding a foundation of support and expansion that helps to ground all the flowy, multi- dimensional energy.

Mercury sextile Pluto adds deep thinking and insights, potential breakthroughs and communications, should you choose to reach out to others after setting New Moon Intentions. With Mercury in Aries, your intentions should be clear and concise – and with all the Pisces energy, your visions fertile and illuminating. Enjoy your process, however you create it.

You can be in nature, in or near a body of water, meditating, making art, listening to music – however you choose to honor your process of this otherworldly new beginning. Make it count for you. Feel where you are, find your rhythm and what’s meaningful to you now. Don’t allow the noise of the world to intrude upon your consciousness and dictate what you think you should be doing or be focusing on.

March 11 – April 5. Venus in Pisces. Venus in Pisces is exalted, exquisite, heart- centered, compassionate and empathetic, beautiful energy of Divine Love – unconditional Oneness. Ethereal, soft, romantic, tender, feminine, like the goddess Aphrodite. This energy adds to the flow of the Pisces Sun, Saturn and Neptune after the New SuperMoon for the remainder of the week.

Give yourself the space to discover what you need to feel whole, to be your best now and going forward. Be present in the now and trust that the Universe is conspiring for your Highest Good. Be a willing partner and take good care of your Self. You’ll have many opportunities to adapt as needed and remember, you will

miss a huge opportunity if you allow the ego’s fear to overrule your Higher Self’s call.

Stay open, show up. This is not the end of the story.

“To thine own self be true.” ~ Shakespeare (Hamlet)
“You are the essence of Pure Goodness. Your Goodness has nothing to do

with your actions or the actions of anyone else.” ~ The Goodness Process

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2024 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey.❤