THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 4/25/16

Ray RolandoJan Finley's Channel

channeloftheweekPURPLE REIGN –

These are powerful times you are in. People shifting out of your dimensional time and space (dying) is not a concept immune to any of you. It is part of the Divine Plan for you all. And when big LOVE is lost, big SADNESS is sure to follow. Prince, as he was so aptly named, is no exception. He was a master in your dimensional time and space. He became a master through his compassion for and devotion to humanity.

When a “star” dies, much like a shooting star, it takes time for many to see the light cast by its existence and eventual demise. Then it streaks the sky and you are left in awe and wonderment.

The legacy that these “stars” leave behind are tremendous. The loss of the likes of humans such as Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, David Bowie, and now Prince are intended to “shake things up”. They are intended to Heal The World for One Moment in Time, while Changes leave behind the positive effects of Purple Rain… otherwise known as the “Violet Flame”.

Lest we not forget… it is not about singular human lives. It is about saving the race, rocking the boat, and Divinely timed events are intended to do just that. The Earth world’s sadness is intended to remind you all of your humanness.

Why? Because the times call for it. The nature of upheaval is that it tends to galvanize a common cause for healing. The sting tends to call attention to the wound in the collective heart reminding the planet and its inhabitants that there is still much work left to be done. It causes individuals to talk to one another again, and dream of better days ahead.

These masters, your artists, came with the purpose to wake up the world’s throat chakra. After all, the throat is where all manifestation comes from (i.e. God said let there be light, and there was light). They came to heal with art of song, fooling you with the cloak of entertainment, waking up voices that would DEMAND change.

And change you will have…

You have been told of massive planetary shift, solar flares, meteor showers, land masses shaking, and the like. It is upon you, because Mother Earth demands change and a shift from the material BACK to the heart. And these masters represent the collective voice asking for it.

All you need to do is come into your heart and listen a little closer, as you have been so diligently doing doing these past few years, and you will hear the truth. Change is upon you. And sometimes it takes “falling stars” to begin to truly shift a race so that the finish line lands you solely in the heart.

With so much love in our hearts for you,


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