THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 10/24/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

STEP UP TO THE MIC – You are the creator of your world. Did you know that? Do you already know it, but as an analytical teaching, and not necessarily as a fully integrated part of your experience or being? Well, truth be told, you ARE the creator. The Universe exists inside of you and so does everything you ever thought you …

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 7/18/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

PROMISES DELIVERED – Greetings powerful beings of light! Today we bring to you a message of great parallels. As your world shifts and turns, transitioning to a state of higher love, we bring you Cosmic initiations with great fervency. Yes, the world is shifting toward love. Each of you, and the collective is ever awakening further and further to the God-state …