THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 7/30/18

Ray RolandoJan Finley's Channel

LIVING THE HIGHER LIFE – Greetings, Friends! Today we wish to remind you about the power of your thoughts. But first, let us say that quantum theory is not theory at all. It is who and what you are. You ARE quantum energy incarnate. You are God’s thoughts in a human vessel, having a completely unique experience from EVERY other …

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 7/9/18

Ray RolandoJan Finley's Channel

WAITING ON PURPOSE – Cosmic Greetings, our carriers of light on Earth. Today we carry with us in our travels a message of “waiting and wanting”, as well as a reminder of why you are here. First, you are here to experience the experience of having an experience of the experience. Believe us, you are not confused though you may …

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 7/24/17

Ray RolandoJan Finley's Channel

FOCUS IS WHERE YOUR CREATION LIES – It has been said now many times that where you place your focus is precisely what you will draw to you. This could not be more true. But let us take a closer look at why, and what you can hopefully do about it. Ok, first things first… one of the secrets to …

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 10/24/16

Ray RolandoJan Finley's Channel

STEP UP TO THE MIC – You are the creator of your world. Did you know that? Do you already know it, but as an analytical teaching, and not necessarily as a fully integrated part of your experience or being? Well, truth be told, you ARE the creator. The Universe exists inside of you and so does everything you ever thought you …