THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 9/18/2017

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

E-MOTIONAL AFTERMATH – You are undoubtedly in the wave of an emotional aftermath. Lately, it has seemed to be one week after another of tragedy, mourning, fear, and threats. Are you buying into all of this? First, it is imperative that we say this to you – we COMPLETELY understand that it all FEELS real. And it is – whilst …

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 4/25/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

PURPLE REIGN – These are powerful times you are in. People shifting out of your dimensional time and space (dying) is not a concept immune to any of you. It is part of the Divine Plan for you all. And when big LOVE is lost, big SADNESS is sure to follow. Prince, as he was so aptly named, is no exception. …