2018 Pisces Full Moon

Vivian SmallMoon Report

FULL MOON over ocean


2018 Pisces Full Moon

Sunday, August 26, 2018

7:56 am EDT, 4:56am PDT, 12:56pm GT

3 Pisces 12
This is the last Full Moon of this life-changing wormhole passage. During the New Moon partial solar eclipse of 11 August at 19 Leo, our consciousness was rebooted and a new cycle began, one that closes on 9 September when the wormhole closes. The solar eclipse presented a sideways elevator that transported us to a new beginning within our emotional bodies. Whatever was going on at that time feels different now. Try remembering what was going on at the beginning of the wormhole on 13 June. It seems like an eon ago, however, it has only been just about 2.5 months. The passage of time feels a bit distorted—this is part of the wormhole experience and it is a healthy one, because it helps us break up patterns. We need this to enter the Full Moon because Pisces represents the widest most expansive vision we can hold.

Moon in Pisces over Maui Hawaii, painting by Judith Whitman Small

The Pisces quality of consciousness is disposed by Neptune, where we encounter all things, both personal and collective, that serve to enlighten us. These can include our dreams, creativity, aspirations, imagination, compassion, faith, grace, and it also reaches into the places where we hold and protect our illusions. Enlightenment represents that ah ha moment, where a more expansive understanding — or grokking if you will — really lightens our load. While Moon and Neptune will connect in a new cycle (conjunction) within a day after the Full Moon passage starts, they are within orb for the lunation event. This adds a kind of majestic dignity to the Full Moon, that feels all-encompassing and opens doorways to new visions for the future that are not always accessible.


The Full Moon, is, of course, in a bridge (opposition) with the Sun in Virgo. The Pisces-Virgo polarity in cosmic consciousness is like the zoom lens on a camera, where we can go broad and wide or minute and granular in a second, simply by manipulating the lens. It is important to remember that Virgo is where we create and balance our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical etheric bodies. Virgo also provides the earth edges that put form and containment to all the oceans on the planet. This is a supreme moment to examine the feelings we have about everything.
We hold reservoirs of emotion — like oceans — within ourselves, and our feelings run like rivers to move us from one emotion to another. These inner bodies are as real as the physical oceans and rivers. If we are uncomfortable with the quality or shape of feelings toward someone or something, we can apply these Full Moon energies to change it, by drawing on the fantastic ability of water to change its state from solid, liquid, or gas.  Anything that feels like it has kept us trapped, confined, and limited can now be discarded. Think of a sinking ship in the ocean. Once the bow disappears into water, we can’t see it on the surface. Water can disintegrate everything, and it is our decision as to whether this process happens instantly or takes decades.
The Full Moon is in an intimate (semi-sextile) relationship with the Black Moon Lilith at 4 Aquarius. The Black Moon is where we access our own true feminine natures—whether we are a woman or a man or identify with another gender form. The Pisces Full Moon may show us where we hold illusions about ourselves or may provide the space for self-affirmation.  Whatever we choose, it will be big, because it is Pisces. The way to this energy is to own it, observe it, and muster the courage to ride the wave instead of being subsumed by it. Even if we feel pulled under for a short moment, by working from the observers perch we can always, instantly come back up.

The Full Moon is in resource to the grand manifestation (trine) with the Sun at 4 Virgo, Saturn 3 Capricorn, and Uranus 3 Taurus. This manifestation is changing the very structure of authority in our lives—from how we create and foster balance, (Sun in Virgo); to the source of our own personal authority (Saturn in Capricorn), to how it all fits into the foundation of what we consider material and solid (Uranus in Taurus). The cosmos reflects our consciousness—personally and collectively, and this grand manifestation is the strongest indication that we are truly ready to change everything that has represented oppressive authority, limitation, entitlement, and belittlement. Adding juice to all of this is Quaoar at 0 Capricorn (where we transform our thought structures) in conjunction with Saturn; and Orcus at 9 Virgo (where we can access all immortal truths). This is the big moment of change we have been waiting for. The Pisces Full Moon is in resource (sextile) to this grand manifestation, serving as the tail of a kite. This picture gives us the equipment to direct our emotions, as we would if we were flying a kite on a beach, to imagine the most benevolent picture we can muster of this change.

The Full Moon is in a Finger of God with the Soul Star (North Node, where we access the dharmic destiny for this lifetime) 5 Leo, and MakeMake (where we access universal, divine law) at 5 Libra. Let’s return to the essential nature of the Pisces quality of consciousness. It can hold everything, and this includes all the heavens and hells we can imagine. All possibilities reside here. There are choices to make about working with this Full Moon—do we want to visit with places where we feel balance and are inspired, or do we want visit the more shadowy places where we are not sure what we might find? In a way, it doesn’t matter what we choose, as long as we are aware of what we are doing. One way to welcome the Moon in is by focusing on the compassionate aspects of Pisces.
The yellow moon
is pressed against
the dark sky,
waiting for an easy death
at dawn.
The Goddess of Compassion
loves to find
our tender places
and press them
to her light heart
–Judith Whitman-Small, from Floodtide: A Collection of Poems. Ashland Hills Press, Ashland, OR 2012

Dolphin Temple, from the Private collection of Alison Beth

Please read Stephanie Azaria’s daily blog and Cosmic Consciousness weekly write-up, and Shelly Leal’s monthly report for a complete description of all the aspects occurring for this Full Moon.  If you have any comments, you can send an email to: viviansmall2017@gmail.com