THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 9/25/17

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

MOST PRECIOUS GIFT – This week’s message brings a slightly different perspective that hopefully returns you to your heart. As so often is the case with tumultuous times, often members of the human race seek to focus their energy “out there”, out into the world. For it is easy to blame, point fingers at, and judge others and society for …

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 8/1/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

UNEXPECTED GIFTS – When you can exist without the stories an entirely new book opens to you. In this book, what makes the rules is not preconceived knowledge. In fact, even “rules” go away. Instead, just “be-ing” opens up doors to living in the moment, in wonderment. Here, you may find hidden gems and treasures you previously didn’t even believe …