There’s an amazing inner alignment taking place for you, and it’s happening at the core of your being, where it isn’t particularly apparent, but if you stay out of your head, it will break through from time to time to give you important glimpses of how thoroughly you’ve transformed these past few months. Last week Venus came together with your planet, Uranus, to awaken your heart, and now The Sun and Mercury move into Gemini to add a much needed touch of mental harmony to your life. All those personal planets in Taurus recently did not produce the smoothest of sailing for you during May, but now your life starts to take on new meaning as some kind of order is restored. Just be aware it may not be the kind of order you’ve been yearning for.
Embrace the all new energies without judgment.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
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