With your planet, Venus, moving through Pisces, you should be feeling good. Certainly, you’re feeling lighter and happier than you’ve been in a while. Venus begins the week in a new cycle with Neptune, making it essential for you to realize that the dream you’re dreaming is worthy of your serious attention, because you can bring it to life, and it’s time. For the next six months or so, the Black Moon Lilith will dance back and forth over Neptune and the place where he just met up with Venus. This will have the effect of revealing your Truth to you, little by little, until it becomes crystal clear. So consider your greatest dream of the moment, and take note of the places where you’re still feeling that you can’t see what’s happening clearly enough.
Revelation and reveal come from exactly the same place.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for TheCosmicPath.com. It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
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