This is a huge week for you, as Chiron has moved into a new sign after 8 years! Chiron was in the sign polar to Virgo, which is the one he has domain over, making that transit a bit tougher for you. It’s known as the foreigner path in Cosmic Consciousness. Chiron feels like a stranger in Pisces… especially to you, as Pisces is your foreigner sign too. Now you are free of the oppression you’ve been feeling for years, and Chiron’s journey through Aries will teach you to Love your Self without condition. The Full Moon on Tuesday is in your sign and conjunct the very benevolent star Regulus. Regulus stands in for the archangel Raphael, who is the twin ray of Mother Mary, the Virgin Mother. Yours is the sign that is Mary’s domain.
It’s time to come back to your Self.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
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