THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 6/27/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

channeloftheweekWHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD –

It truly is, is it not? You actually live in a beautiful, incredible, insurmountably loving world when you truly allow the awe and wonderment of it all to seep in. Even the mystery is magical. In fact, especially the mystery. So much so, that you could do with a taste of NOT trying to figure the mysteries out. They are there for mystery’s sake. They are not meant to be understood, but rather to inspire with an “other worldly” energy that reminds you of HOME, though it does not invite you to COME home until Divine Accord strikes.

And there is a reason for this… this remembrance of another world that you cannot quite grasp, but that you know you love. It is like a dream that quickly fades upon your waking, leaving you almost reaching for the answers that almost came, or leaving you wanting more of the love you felt and cannot explain. It is a mystery not meant to be understood, but to be trusted. Ahh, and there it is… TRUST.

When you can trust that LOVE HAS YOU HERE, though you cannot understand it, that is when you begin to merge with the purpose for being here. You might’nt be able to explain it, but when you surrender to trusting it is all perfect, that is when you feel overwhelmingly guided to begin to acknowledge what a beautiful world you live in, rather than attempting to escape it however you can.

In fact, in the moment of true surrender, you allow the Amrita of life to pour forth through your veins. It is contagious, you know. The essence of the Cosmic Flower of Creation’s energy that pours forth from your heart (and crown) when you align with your higher purpose is something others flock to. They may not even understand why yet they, too, will feel the presence of God within you and possibly for a time even within themselves.

It is then that you are being played like Louie Armstrong’s trumpet in the world famous song, What A Wonderful World. Interestingly enough, it was Krishna that was playing through Louie, as if he were a flute, to bring that song to the masses to remind them how beautiful the world can be when you allow it. Perhaps even more intriguing is that if you listen one more time, you will hear Krishna’s flute played at a very specific time in the song. All the more reason to acknowledge yet another of the world’s great mysteries and surrender to it.

The more you practice, the more surrender becomes the way. And the more this occurs, the more you become aligned with the Divine Blueprint of Creation.

Please know that, even with all the change you have going in the world right now, and even though it sometimes looks like chaos, this is the way nature roots out what no longer serves. Your meditation is to practice surrendering to the perfect beauty of it all. You do that, and the rest MUST take care if itself… AND you.

With so much love in our hearts for you,


Become a member of Ray’s incredible portal,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Downloads from the Ascended Masters, and weekly channeled Healing, Guidance, and Divine Wisdom from the Archangels.

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For powerful one-on-one experiences with Ray, including personalized channels, readings, and ascension wellness coaching, or for general inquiries, please contact Colby by phone at 1-845-637-5191, or by email at

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 6/20/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week


For starters, you must KNOW that when your heart is aligned with service, positive abundance must flow. For truly, service to we is service to me. That is, when you are helping “others” as aspects of you still in need of something you have to offer, you are aligning with providing for WE consciousness.

What you may not know is that worthiness issues and lack consciousness (or belief that lack is present) can cause the very (and sometimes ever so slight) mis-alignment that blocks the flow. Please read that last sentence one more time. It is VERY important. There can be no part of you that believes you are anything less than positive abundance when you are in service to others. Why? Because if you believe that there could be a chance you are not supported in assisting others, then you would be bringing that crack in the foundation to those you wish to serve in the highest way because you are not in the highest place of FULL trust and FULL surrender.

So what to do if ever so slight parts of you still doubt, right? Use your breath consciously and, in so doing, remind yourself that you have a choice to surrender to the Divine Plan in every moment or fear that you are not a part of it. Think about that for a moment. If you are NOT part of the Divine Plan, then what are you actually doing here on the planet? Do you think you were a mistake? Hysterical, is it not? That thought that the Divine does not know exactly WHO and WHERE  you are at all times? Well it does.

You have not been forgotten or unseen EVER. Do you actually believe that? Perhaps that’s where your issue with true abundance lies. And we are not simply talking about the paper you call money. That money is a manifestation of worth on some level… even if you have plenty of it. Perhaps it was given to you, but you cannot understand why? That is clearly a worthiness issue. Are you beginning to see that ANYONE can have it? Hopefully so.

So, once you remember your breath, know this… you can CHANGE EVERYTHING IN AN INSTANT. The moment you remember it is all perfect and that you are part of the potential that created the WHOLE game, that is when you re-merge with truth, and positive abundance IN YOU re-emerges. The longer you can hold that line of truth, the clearer the super highway of that abundance remains for all positive abundance to arrive at your location. What we mean is, the moment you choose to change it, you could literally manifest the millions in the bank the VERY NEXT MOMENT. You just have to believe enough in you and in your cause.

You already know you love thy neighbor. Now why not LOVE YOU JUST AS MUCH. It is that simple. Change your thought RIGHT NOW, change the outcome RIGHT NOW.

You are POSITIVELY ABUNDANT, so act like it.

With so much love in our hearts for you,


Become a member of Ray’s incredible portal,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Downloads from the Ascended Masters, and weekly channeled Healing, Guidance, and Divine Wisdom from the Archangels.

Join our mailing list to receive a channeled audio gift, “The Unveiling”, from Archangel Michael and Master St. Germain! CLICK HERE.

For powerful one-on-one experiences with Ray, including personalized channels, readings, and ascension wellness coaching, or for general inquiries, please contact Colby by phone at 1-845-637-5191, or by email at

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 6/13/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week


It’s all a grace you know – all of it. Grace is what has you here. Grace is what has you experience bliss, pain and everything in between. It’s actually a grace to even be on the Earth plane of existence. To feel, to be in a body, to experience experiences… it’s all grace.

You’ve heard it all before, right? How nothing happens to you, but that it’s all for your enlightenment? It truly is. The Earth plane, as we have said, is the densest plane of matter. It’s where everything matters, or materializes, in the physical sense while you are in a body to perceive those manifestations, those matterings, those happenings.

It’s all just a “happening” anyway. What is for you is for you, and what is not for you is not. Your job is to focus on your tree within the forrest. If another tree happens to fall in front of you, in your reality, in your forrest, TRUST that you will know what to do in THAT moment. But fear not until then. What’s the point of fearing something that isn’t yet anyway?

You have come far enough in the consciousness game that you can begin trusting BIG TIME in yourself. Every “next moment” is a manifestation of what you are thinking and doing in “this moment”. Don’t like what you are experiencing right now? Well, what were you just thinking? That’s what created where you are… literally.

While karma (good and bad, or neither, depending on your application of the teachings you already know or have come into) is also a grace playing into the mix of “the moment”, HOW you respond to it is what will create the next moment. Think on that for a bit. What is it we are telling you here? Simply put, we are saying that you cannot stop the world from happening around you. But you can apply what you know to ALWAYS be in only one of two places – love or fear. Those are your choices.

What you may need to focus on at this point is trust in the Universal Plan based in WE consciousness, which includes you. This requires surrender. Surrender prepares you for more grace… every time. The more prepared you are, the more gracefully you respond.

So, to successfully do this surrender bit, the best thing you can do is continue to watch your thoughts, words, and actions and the motivations behind them. Offer all actions up to the Creator, Universal Life Force, God, or whatever you think IT is called that has you here. And remember, this is a PRACTICE.

Practice builds up your awareness, and awareness is where enlightened beings become aware of enlightening situations that enlighten them even more. So practice, practice, practice your awareness and all this practicing will bring to you, or show to you, the beautiful graces in it all.

With so much love in our hearts for you,


Become a member of Ray’s incredible portal,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Downloads from the Ascended Masters, and weekly channeled Healing, Guidance, and Divine Wisdom from the Archangels.

Join our mailing list to receive a channeled audio gift, “The Unveiling”, from Archangel Michael and Master St. Germain! CLICK HERE.

For powerful one-on-one experiences with Ray, including personalized channels, readings, and ascension wellness coaching, or for general inquiries, please contact Colby by phone at 1-845-637-5191, or by email at

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 6/6/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

channeloftheweekWHAT TRUTH IS –

Truth is what moves you. It moves you to action. It moves you to non-action. It moves you to choose what is right for you in any moment and it is subject to change as you change.

God-consciousness is constantly evolving, whether it seems that way or not. If you are all created in the image and likeness of God as God-beings incarnate, then you are all having experiences AS the collective “God”. In this way, God is ALWAYS changing.

If you can accept this, then you realize there is no “arriving”, because the destination is constantly changing. Your job is to surrender to the moment as best you can, and choose the highest path for you at that time with the resources that are available to you. What works in this moment with available resources could literally change the VERY next moment with its resources.

In this way, truth changes moment to moment.

To this end, IF you are making choices based on what you believe others’ expectations of you are, you must understand that they may not know what your resources and truth are in any moment. So when you limit your options to what others’ expectations are, or what you think they are, you keep yourself entrapped in limitations that you are creating by putting others’ perceived needs before your own.

When you empower yourself within your own choices that are best for you in any moment, and respond from this place, you can better align your actions with your own thoughts and words. In doing so, you minimize any frustration or anger that could arise when those three things (thoughts, words and actions) are not aligned.

So… our wish for you is to know your truth in EVERY moment. To do this, become still. When you do, you become love. In love, ALL resources become available to you to solve the mysteries of your journey.

With so much love in our hearts for you,


Become a member of Ray’s incredible portal,, to receive Activated Monthly Audio Downloads from the Ascended Masters, and weekly channeled Healing, Guidance, and Divine Wisdom from the Archangels.

Join our mailing list to receive a channeled audio gift, “The Unveiling”, from Archangel Michael and Master St. Germain! CLICK HERE.

For powerful one-on-one experiences with Ray, including personalized channels, readings, and ascension wellness coaching, or for general inquiries, please contact Colby by phone at 1-845-637-5191, or by email at