THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 8/13/18

Ray RolandoJan Finley's Channel

‘BEING’ IS ENOUGH – Loved ones, with so much going on in the world, many are left wondering, “What to do?” We have come with a message for you today about “being”. When you are “being”, you are led to the next thing that requires action through you. Notice, though, we say “through” you. If you are the doer, then …

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 6/18/18

Ray RolandoJan Finley's Channel

THE PATH OF GRATITUDE – Light-bearers, it is time to wield the sword of gratitude in very big ways. We have told you with great repetition that to get what you want or desire, you must first be grateful for what you had. It is possible that some may have misunderstood us. We were not simply talking about your personal …

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 5/7/18

Ray RolandoJan Finley's Channel

HUMBLE SURRENDER – Wayshowers, much is adrift it seems on the oceans of consciousness of late. If you are to not be pulled down by the strong undertow, please hear us. You must surrender to the ebb and flow of the on-goings in your world, without being tied to any of it. The name of the game is compassionate detachment. …

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 2/26/18

Ray RolandoJan Finley's Channel

BELIEF (3D) vs. FAITH (5D & BEYOND) – Greetings, Wayshowers. It appears as though it is time to separate spiritual seekers from those on a true spiritual path.  You see, it is time now to recognize that if you are dabbling in spiritual teachings but you are choosing not to live them as a way of life, then they can …