Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly









For the week of December 12 – 18, 2016:

Get ready for a wild and crazy ride ahead!  Like an unexpected lightning storm waking up the dark night sky, the week starts off with intense flashes of shocking light, followed by sound waves that produce delayed response and secondary communications reverberating through time and space.  Our undivided attention is being requested this week as we’re being delivered to the Super Full Moon in Gemini, preparing for the Mercury Station and the start of Mercury’s retrograde journey the following Monday.


The theme this week is the awakening and integration of multidimensional communications.  Light travels much quicker than sound waves, and sound travels much quicker than physical sensation.  Our 3 major channels of communications are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, and the speed of delivery occurs fastest in that order (of course speed is only perceived from the physical dimension, 5D has no time, everything is occurring simultaneously).  By the time we feel something tangibly in our bodies, or connect in physical relationship, we’ve already been in contact with that particular communication and vibration of energy.  Similarly, before any chronic physical disease appears in the body, the vibrational communication has already been occurring and creating that dialogue.


Nothing demonstrates the perceived time delays in communications better than a lighting storm.   The flash of light seems to occur first, followed by the rumble of thunder, which makes us physically jump as a result.  But the light and sound are occurring simultaneously.   Our physical bodies perceive the time delay because of the physical dimension of time and space.


Oftentimes, we sense and know that change is coming, well before we actually see, hear, or feel the evidence of what’s manifesting.  We are manifesting and choreographing what’s occurring next, nothing is happening by random chance.   One might tend to lose faith or trust when the physical proof seems to be taking a long time to manifest.   It can be tempting to give up and walk away from an intention or dream, frustrated and irritated at the perceived time delay, and drastically change direction or course of action in attempts to shake things up and make things happen.  If we can learn to tune in to the more subtle cosmic rhythms and communications, we can observe all that is occurring simultaneously in this moment, and gain insight of what’s to come, what’s in motion, and what’s delaying.


When we recognize that our consciousness is pure light, and the language of the heart is love, communicated through light, we can tune into a simpler frequency of communication, which is the frequency of light.  Light is the fastest messenger available to us here, and it is the messenger of Love.  Natural light can’t be imitated or manufactured, and divine love is the most precious and powerful force of energy available to us in the universe.   When we learn to communicate through the universal language of the heart, we are communicating through the pure consciousness of truth, with clarity.


This week begins with an intense lightning storm on Monday: a Sun Uranus manifestation, followed by a Sun Chiron stepping stone, and a Sun Ceres manifestation.   That’s a lot of light, and a lot of consciousness.   Uranus (the ruler of Aquarius) is the great awakener of consciousness, brining the future into the now, and activating the intercellular communication of Spiritual Love.  When the lighting bolts strike on Monday, we will each be affected very personally, at the cellular level, awakening our own inner dialogue and inner communications to a new consciousness and a brand new possibility of Unconditional Self Love.


When our cells operate at the frequency of Divine Love, there is nothing to heal or fix.   Divine Love is the love of God, and it is pure grace.   When the communication between our individual trillions of cells resonate as the vibration and manifestation of Love, there is unity, wholeness and harmony.  Every cell operates for the good of the whole, in service.  When the collective population, billions of people on the planet, communicate as the embodiment of Love, humanity is delivered to unity, wholeness, and harmony…through brotherly Love, freedom, respect, and Oneness with All…Oneness with Divine Love.  Each individual becomes the embodiment of Love in Action, just as each individual cell operates as Love in Action.


Tuesday is the Super Full Moon in Gemini, which is the last full moon of the “9” year of completion, delivering us to Mercury’s upcoming retrograde journey, followed by his meeting with Pluto, wiping the slate clean before we enter a brand new year and a brand new “9” year cycle.  Mercury is the ruler of Gemini, and is The Great Messenger, the operating system of the higher mind that interprets and coordinates all of our communications, within our own lower 4 body system, and with the world around us.  Gemini is multifaceted, multidimensional, and brilliantly creative, expansive and quick.  In Cosmic Consciousness, Gemini is the multifaceted prism or diamond, manifested and refined under extreme pressure, expressing as the mental wisdom of Love in Action, where mind and heart merge.  Gemini has the potential to be everywhere at once, through various dimensions of time and space, when grounded in the still point of the heart.   The infinite universe is accessible and available to Gemini, through the portal (and the cockpit) of the heart.


The Full Moon on Tuesday 12/13 is awakening and calibrating our capacity to communicate multidimensionally, through light codes, from the heart…in a way that is clear, recognizable, and decipherable.  We are learning to listen and speak without the need for words, before a word can even be formed or spoken.   Words now will be used to give dimension and color to the art of language, but unnecessary as a sole method of communication.   Pure light can’t be manufactured or forced, whereas words can be.  Light has integrity of truth beyond words.


Our physical bodies are the manifestation of the karmic stories, ancestral patterns, unprocessed emotional residue, thoughts and belief systems that are currently operating our lower 4 body system.  When we elevate our consciousness, we elevate the conversation that’s occurring within our lower 4 body system, which holistically changes our health.   With this week’s activation and awakening, our intercellular communication can be upgraded to a new dialogue, a more elevated and conscious frequency of light, which delivers the communication of Love into our cellular programming.   We have the potential to awaken beyond the historic programming, calibrate to a higher channel, align our cells with Love, and deliver new possibilities and unprecedented experiences into our bodies, now.   The more aligned our bodies are with light, the more we gain access to the multidimensional capabilities of communicating through universal channels, through time and space, to access past, present and future, with clarity.


Just after the Full Moon, the Sun manifests with Eris, the female awakener who facilitates transformation through inner disruption and disharmony.   The super brilliant light that activates our consciousness through the Gemini Super Moon sets off a disruption of anything at all that is inconsistent or incongruent that needs to clear.   Chaos precedes transformation, it clears away the blind spots of attachments to outdated belief systems or patterns of historic sabotage that have prevented or delayed the manifestation of our highest potential.   If we have the courage to ride the wave, we can deliver ourselves to a completely new paradigm.  This upcoming Mercury Retrograde cycle is about the reconfiguration of our individual communications to interface with and participate in a whole new universal paradigm shift.  We are being calibrated to operate as Love in Action, with each other, for the good of the whole, our planet.


The entire rest of the week is quiet, there are no major aspects.  However, we will be revisiting and reflecting on the lighting storm and Full Moon through all of our channels of communication.   The 5 days of stillness allows for the time delays and reverberations until all messages are received, processed, and fully integrated.


The practice this week is to pay attention to messages received, through dreams, intuitive knowing, through anything at all that gets your attention…and practice through all of the channels: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.  Keep a journal of insight for all messages that appear, especially anything that may be surprising or unexpected.   Listen with curiosity and conscious attention through all channels, which requires open receptivity.   Pause and allow time to digest and process what you’re receiving before speaking, responding, or making meaning.   Remember that after the lightning comes the thunder, followed by a physical response.  This is a week of clearing out any old belief systems or outdated patterns, so notice where old assumptions cloud your interpretations of messages, or throw you into an historic reactionary pattern.   Notice the message that is originally received, from a neutral perspective, and notice what beliefs and assumptions are projected into your interpretation and response.


The more you slow down and observe, the more you can clear out your own inner congestion that distracts and delays your ability to communicate with clarity.  The goal is to become the organic response of Love in Action, internally, within each of your cells.   As our cells are aligned and calibrated to the frequency of Love, our physical bodies become the manifestation of higher consciousness, which elevates the collective conversation on the planet, creating a whole new world.


“We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share.  This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.” 

― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist  


Contact Christine Clemmer at to set up a private session on the phone or remotely.

Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly









For the week of December 5 – 11, 2016

The week ahead promises to be very resourceful as we dive deep into the “12” vibration month of December, manifesting a new octave of unity and oneness from the heart.  Every step of the way this week reveals more layers of truth and inspiration, giving us the clarity we need to open to new possibilities, liberating our hearts and minds.


With Venus back in the ecliptic, we begin shedding light on our hearts’ recent journey through uncharted territory, providing clarity of all we’ve been sensing and feeling but unable to decipher completely.   The theme this week is to listen to the stories and events that move the heart, because our emotional response to the current story is revealing what matters most, where our attention wants to move, and perhaps indicating where our energy has been stuck behind layers of dormant emotional residue, creating delays and roadblocks to our highest destiny.  This is the time to open the release valves and clear the emotional debris from the physical body.


The heart resonates with a magnetic attraction, a force of nature that pulls us into alignment with Love and inspires right action and right timing.  When we surrender our fears and doubts, and give ourselves permission to move toward that which is drawing us close, we gravitate towards the creative potential and possibility that manifests dreams.  This dance of attraction and manifestation can’t be mapped out, planned ahead, or drafted on a linear spreadsheet.  The language of the heart is beyond time and space, it’s only accessible in the now, and requires our full presence and participation.  It also requires our commitment to being grounded in our body, fully awake.


Every inhale is an opportunity to receive that connection, and every exhale is generating communication back out into the universe.  That silent communication is our frequency, encoded with our soul’s blueprint, whether we’re fully conscious of that blueprint or not.   Energy doesn’t lie, and we can’t pretend to be something other than our true nature.   When our hearts are allowed to express with authenticity and integrity, we attract the same, instantly.   If we censor, shield, or alter our truth, we attract confusion and delays.  Through every breath, the mind and heart communicate, unifying our personal archetypes of Venus and Mercury.


Mercury is currently out of bounds, preparing for his upcoming retrograde cycle, and also preparing us for the Full Moon in Gemini on December 13th.  Mercury is the ruler of Gemini, and serves as the Great Messenger.  Our communications systems are being recalibrated and upgraded to decipher the newly installed language of the heart, which is universal, a frequency superseding all other man made languages.   It’s so important that we begin to interpret and speak the language of light, which is Unconditional Love, so that it becomes our governing compass and higher law.   Any other language is infused with ego, and can get complicated to decipher…the heart speaks the purest language of all.  We’re learning a whole new language without words, and it takes practice.


We don’t know what we don’t know…and that’s the realm of our greatest potential and our next step.  Oftentimes we cling to what we know, or avoid communicating the things we don’t have a full grasp of.  But we don’t have any idea what awaits us behind the curtain of uncertainty.   Uncertainty, or a lack of clarity, can be the scariest place to stand, especially when standing wide open with a vulnerable heart.  It can also be the most magical, fulfilling, beautiful place to surrender and dive deep.  This is where dreams manifest, visions come alive, and reality shifts on a dime.  If we’re looking for life altering transformation, we must become comfortable diving into the realm of the unknown, into the mystery…with curiosity, not fear.  The mind can’t fully comprehend yet where our hearts are taking us, but the mind is being downloaded and prepared for a whole new chapter and a new reality that will alter our way of being with ourselves and each other.


The week begins with a Mercury Stepping Stone with Make Make, which provides an interruption to our normal operating patterns, allowing for an upgraded interfacing with divine law and order.  The way we think things “should” be may not match the way things are playing out in current reality, and there’s a divine law in effect producing a higher spiritual context in every moment, for the good of All.  We can use this stepping stone on Monday to access that higher truth and elevate ourselves up to a change of context.  The Sun crosses the Great Attractor on Monday as well, so we have the benefit of extremely brilliant light as we take the giant step up.


On Tuesday, the Sun and Venus meet at the edge of the ecliptic, and we begin to gain consciousness of the journey our hearts have been on recently.   Our hearts reveal it all in the light, and although we may not fully comprehend it, we are beginning to feel it deeply.  The new sensations of emotional vulnerability and intensity might be overwhelming at first, but we’re calibrating to the new normal of operating from our hearts, not our heads.   Later in the day, Mars forms a resource with Uranus, and our physical bodies respond to the impact of awakening at a visceral level.   Oftentimes when we experience an unexpected traumatic event that rips our hearts open, we tend to disconnect from our bodies, temporarily in shock.  It’s important that we remain grounded and present in our bodies to fully receive higher communications and to initiate right action from the heart.


On Wednesday, Mars and Ceres are in a resource, and Venus moves into Aquarius, the sign of Spiritual Love.  This is so significant because Divine Love requires us to open unconditionally, to reveal ourselves to the world, completely transparent, and to be the expression of a new consciousness, loving ourselves as the Divine, the way God loves All.   As we reveal and expose our own hearts, without censor or conditions, our hearts become the awakening force of consciousness on the planet, delivering the physical resource and living expression of Spiritual Love.


Thursday is a quiet day, and Friday brings a Mars Eris resource, completing the trifecta of physical body awakening that supports our growth and expansion this week.  The more awake and present we are in our bodies, the more opportunities we can be available for.  The Sun and Jupiter are also resourceful, shining light on the potential for expansion of social consciousness.


On Saturday, Mercury and Neptune create a resource that delivers enhanced clarity of communications.  If we’ve been awake and aware all week, grounded in our bodies, we can use this resource as an upgrade to our out of bounds operating system.   If we’re spinning or distracted, we may experience static interference, confusion and headaches.  The consistent theme this week is to remain awake in our skin in order to elevate our inner communications and integrate with the heart.    Also on Saturday, the Sun and Saturn conjoin to start a new cycle and Mercury manifests with Orcus.  Because Mercury is in his retrograde shadow, everything that occurs this week will be revisited on the other side of the shadow, and on the other side of the Super Moon in Gemini.  Remember, we never miss an opportunity, we only experience space and time delays until we come back full circle.


The practice this week is to remain grounded, in your body, which connects you to the communication of the heart.   The language of the heart is felt through the body, and observed with the mind.   Whatever is occurring this week, no matter how busy, stressful, or chaotic it gets, take time to nurture your body and find a peaceful resting place within.  Walking meditation is a great way to connect the body, mind, heart, and breath with the earth.   With every inhale, take a step with the left foot, and feel the physical connection of foot to Earth.   With every exhale, take a step with the right foot, and connect with the energy you are releasing, and the messages you’re sending, into the Earth and through the universe.   Every inhale is an opportunity to receive connection, support, resources, and Love.  And every exhale is an opportunity to give, release, and send communication, support, and Love.   Listen with the left foot, speak from the heart as you move forward into right action with the right foot.  Take your time, slow down, and connect so that you feel every breath, step, and thought.


What you seek is seeking you.”  ~ Rumi  


For more information, contact or email

Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly








For the week of November 28 – December 4, 2016:

Get ready for an empowering week ahead, full of choices and opportunities to shed light on the truth and untangle the knots of confusion and separation once and for all.   Love is the light and the language of clarity, and our hearts are awakening as the authority of divine Love.

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Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly









For the week of November 21 – 27, 2016:

Welcome to the Neptune Station and the fully illuminated super bridge of higher consciousness!  The week ahead is all about unification through transcendence of polarities, like a multidimensional spiraled escalator ride to higher ground.  We are gaining access to a whole new dimension of consciousness that allows us to embrace oppositions and bridge the gap in every moment, seeing the interconnected fluidity of all things.

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