Cosmic Consciousness Monthly

Shelly LealMonthly Aspects


For September 2018:

Welcome to the 9th month of the year, the last quarter of the Sun’s cycle, where we take stock of where we are, how far we’ve come, and what is now ready to be manifested. In Cosmic Consciousness we arrive at the 9 o’clock hour of Libra, at the most feminine Portal of Truth, where Emotional Wisdom meets Physical Power. It’s here we bring into form what Spirit has initiated and stepped down into higher thought, balanced by and strengthened with pure Love, informed, purified and aligned by the energies in motion (e-motion), ready to be brought into physicality. It is the balance point of surrender (alignment) to what is, in order to bring our highest intentions to fruition. This is the Libra hour, the ascendant, where we our Selves come into physical Being as separate entities on the physical plane, making our way back to the Highest Realization that we are actually not separate at all, and never were, that everything “out there” is another facet of the hologram that makes each of us our very Selves. September is the month where we rebalance ourselves; it is a time of endings, reflection, of letting go of what no longer works or has completed its usefulness. We are getting ready for the harvest, reaping what we’ve sown all year and preparing our Selves for the next spiral up the evolutionary ladder, clearing our energy fields and planting seeds for the future.

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Cosmic Consciousness Monthly

Shelly LealMonthly Aspects


August 2018

Welcome to August, 8th month of the year, with its intense, quickening energies and all the gifts that brings. In July the energies spun us around, moving sideways with the eclipses; standing in the observer’s perch and keeping an open heart and mind allowed the energies to move us. Through finding the blessing in every situation, we are ready for the influx of August’s energies, including another reboot of consciousness. We are becoming adept at being fluid and adjusting to rapid change. This month we are called upon to align ourselves in mind, heart, body and spirit; to purify our hearts, be response-able and transparent, and allow our Selves to be moved where we are meant to go.

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Cosmic Consciousness Monthly

Shelly LealMonthly Aspects


For July, 2018:

Welcome to July, the 7th month of this 2/11 year. The wheels of evolution are grinding, moving us forward, ready or not, awake or not. If you’ve been following Stephanie’s blogs, you know that we are now in the Mother of all Wormholes, which began with the June 13 Gemini New Moon. There is so much to cover, as the energies within and (reflected) without continue to swirl at a faster and higher frequency. I will attempt to cover the highlights and provide clues as to how to navigate this magical month.

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Cosmic Consciousness Monthly

Shelly LealMonthly Aspects


For June, 2018

Welcome to the month of June, the 6th month and midpoint of the year, delivering us to the fullness of the year’s potential. June bridges (opposes) December, the 12th month. There are 12 qualities of consciousness (signs), and in Cosmic Consciousness, 12 hours or mansions; each is a reflection of its opposite, creating 6 bridges that allow us to walk between polarities, integrating and balancing their energies, creating a harmonic resonance between them resulting in a unified consciousness.

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