Monthly Overview for June, 2022

Shelly LealMonthly Aspects







The first half of 2022 was filled with many huge aspects that occurred at seemingly breakneck speed. We’re at the midpoint of the year, and June provides a bit of a respite before gearing up in July. Still, the month contains 2 major retrogrades and the Summer/Winter Solstice, so change is still on the menu.


On 6/3 Mercury stations direct, ready to focus and bring thoughts of non-attachment to the fore. When we are not attached to people, places, things, or ideas, we can more easily hear the voice of our inner guidance. In Cosmic Consciousness, Mercury holds divine masculine energies. He meets Sedna for the last time on 6/12, gathering ancient Divine Feminine memories to balance the mind, before entering Gemini 6/13. At that point, Mercury, Venus and Mars are each in their own home signs, where their influence is harmonious and strong. On 6/18 Mercury leaves his shadow, essentially beginning a new cycle of thinking and communication.


For the last few years Saturn began his retrograde in May; this year begins a new pattern when the Great Teacher begins his backward movement on 6/4. For the next 4 1/2 months we have a chance to reevaluate the structure of our lives, and see what needs tweaking to strengthen the foundation of our connections with each other, taking responsibility for what we want to achieve.


On 6/5 the Mars-Salacia new cycle (conjunction) occurs, providing the possibility of finding joy through movement and lighthearted actions. Healing is available too, when Mars and Chiron commune (conjunct) on 6/15, preparing us for disruptions that can occur around 6/27, when Mars and Eris make a new cycle of disturbances and awakenings at the physical level. We are ready for this.


Mercury and Jupiter have domain over the Full Moon in Sagittarius, which occurs on 6/14. Mercury has just entered Gemini and Jupiter sits in early Aries, making a resource (sextile) with the Great Messenger. Neptune forms an intersection (aka T-square) to the Sun-Moon bridge (opposition). It’s a good time to set intentions and dreams for the future, as the opportunity is there for new ideas to emerge. The Sun makes aspects with Eris, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto before entering Cancer on 6/21, kicking off the Summer/Winter Solstice that is felt all over the world.


The Solstice chart shows the Sun in a Lightbridge (or opposition) with Ixion, Ceres in a stepping stone (square) with Chiron, and Venus manifesting (in a trine) with Pluto. Empowerment of the heart is a big theme this year, and it continues this season, along with a new focus on aligning our inner purpose with healing the planet and our own fractured emotions. We hold space for those who are just beginning to awaken to the realization of unity consciousness.


The Venus-Uranus new cycle on 6/11 may produce sudden shocks or surprises that awaken something new within us. As Venus journeys through Taurus, she meets Pallas (6/14), the North Node (Soul Star) on 6/16, and Sedna (6/22). The heart connects with the mind when Venus enters Gemini 6/22.


Neptune, representing higher love, clarity and enlightenment, stations retrograde on 6/28 for 5 months. It is an opportunity to turn within and see which of our dreams are still feasible, and what brings confusion into our lives. We learn to trust ourselves. On the same day, the New Moon in Cancer occurs, bridging (opposing) Quaoar, 5D planet of new thought. A new beginning of emotional intelligence is on tap. Venus and Chariklo also connect with the New Moon, bringing stability and inner harmony if we open up to it.


Shelly offers short, written 5D readings based on one question. For more details, please email me at, with your birth information and your question. I look forward to hearing from you!

Monthly Overview for May, 2022

Shelly LealMonthly Aspects







The best that can be said about this month is that there is a major shifting of energies as 7 planets change signs, and Venus pulls a “Mercury,” moving from Pisces to Taurus (2 signs). There are many new cycles, another eclipse, a Mercury retrograde, and the closing of the current wormhole we are in. By the end of May, all the personal planets will occupy Aries, Taurus and Gemini, which, according to Cosmic Consciousness, comprises the Mental quadrant of the zodiac. Here lies the possibility to change our way of thinking, perceiving, communicating and connecting with the world.


Venus, fresh off her meeting with Jupiter, enters Aries 5/2, resources Mercury 5/6, and makes new cycles with Salacia (5/9), Chiron (5/15) and Eris (5/23) before moving into her home sign of Taurus on 5/28. It is a busy month for the heart, learning to stay open and centered in order to activate the proper use of the mind. The Divine Light of Creation gets infused with heart frequencies, and Venus’ mission in this sign is to lighten up, heal and align with love-based energies vs those of fear, and negotiate disruptions that arise. Love is the balm that heals.


Jupiter is a planet we like to watch because of his huge effect on us all, especially socially. On 5/3 he forms a resource with Pluto, a positive connection between these two very expansive energies. Jupiter stretches our consciousness and brings wisdom and abundance. Pluto transforms and resurrects. Any interaction between these two recalls the major effect of their 3 meetings in 2020. Jupiter enters Aries on 5/10, where he retrogrades at the end of July, and will remain until the end of October. For the next 5 months we will have the benefit of Jupiter’s willingness to share connection, truth, new learning and wisdom with Aries’ pioneering spirit and creative spark. Things can get over the top with Jupiter, but if we remember to apply conscious discipline to our thoughts and choose a loving perspective as much as possible, we will reap the rewards Jupiter has to offer.


Also on 5/10, Mercury begins his 2nd retrograde of the year, at 5° Gemini, in his home sign. It takes him until 5/21 to meet up with the Sun in an inferior conjunction at the beginning of Gemini before he backs into Taurus the next day to wrap things up. This is the 2nd of a 3-part process of integrating the mind with the heart. Mercury communes with Sedna again for some ancient divine feminine wisdom, but ends his retrograde in June without connecting with the Soul Star Chakra. We are already on the evolutionary path. Mercury will have much to say in the coming month.


The Sun’s journey through Taurus is also a busy one, with some high-level new cycles. Our consciousness is imbibed with electrical energy and sudden revelations when he conjoins Uranus on 5/5. Whatever we’re not ready to receive from within will come to us from other people or situations. And surprises do not have to be negative, but they will wake us up. As a point of evolution, the Sun-Soul Star new cycle on 5/13 focuses us on what we need to know now as we move into the future.


On 5/16 the Sun and Moon form a bridge that is the Full Moon in Scorpio. Because the Moon’s nodes are so close to the Sun and Moon, (the karmic Earth Star Chakra conjoins the Moon) this is a total lunar eclipse. This sideways elevator can help us clear old emotional reactions to what is occurring now, giving us space to formulate  new responses that will shift our interactions towards a positive direction. Venus and Pluto have domain over this lunation, echoing the theme of changing values and seeing Love with new eyes. Saturn in Aquarius intersects the Sun-Moon nodal bridge, allowing us a path to use to follow our inner guru’s guidance for decisions that benefit everyone.


May 19 is a big day as the Sun manifests with Pluto, forms a great eliminator (Inconjunct) with Haumea, and merges with Sedna, integrating a little more of Sedna’s very high frequencies. On 5/20 the Sun enters Gemini, and the focus of our life force and consciousness becomes one of being aware of our thoughts and what motivates them, and speaking our truth with presence.

We focus on the mind as the servant, not the master.


Two other planets change signs: Ceres ingresses Cancer (5/15) and Vesta enters Pisces (5/24). All month Mars is moving through Pisces, and on 5/18 he conjoins Neptune in a new cycle of putting faith in action. If we can ‘act in good faith’ despite any momentary confusion, we will be applying much needed spiritual wisdom in the world. Mars, too, changes signs, entering his home sign of Aries on 5/24.


April’s two New Moons reset the pattern, and now they occur at the end of the month, instead of at the beginning. The New Moon in Gemini on May 30 brings the wormhole to a close, and the energies settle down somewhat. Chariklo (representing balance, stability and safety) and Salacia (feminine expression of Neptune, bringing flow and lightness) connect with this lunar event, helping us to stay centered and calm in the midst of much mental activity. Communication and connection should be easier now as well.


Shelly offers short, written 5D readings based on one question. For more details, please email me at, with your birth information and your question. I look forward to hearing from you!

Monthly Overview for July 2022

Shelly LealMonthly Aspects








This month the pace quickens with lots of planetary activity. Fully 7 planets change signs, one shifting twice, and 7 other planets shift direction, 5 going retrograde. There is a huge influx of Leo energies, with 3 planets entering that quality of consciousness, and the New Moon taking place there as well.  And there’s so much more.


To start off, Mars makes a stepping stone with Pluto 7/1, which can lead to some very tense energies on the 3D level. In 5D, Mars is the masculine expression of the divine feminine, protecting the earth and keeping us safe. Using this energy consciously leads us to see where the proper action is required, as opposed to giving in to anger. Pluto’s 2nd return occurs on 7/11, bringing up the themes from February, but from a more reflective viewpoint. Ceres forms a Lightbridge with Pluto 7/18, with Haumea connected to both; as things slowly metamorphosize, or fall apart, seeds of creative new solutions and systems are being planted. It will take a while to manifest, but it is coming. And new ideas are born when Mercury makes a new cycle with Ceres on 7/18.


Pallas Athena begins the parade of planets shifting qualities of consciousness when she enters Gemini 7/4. Mars ingresses Taurus 7/5, slowing us down to get in touch with our intuitive guidance. When we are grounded in our bodies, we feel calmer and steadier, more supported. Also on 7/5, Mercury moves into Cancer for 2 weeks, and during that time he goes out of bounds for a week. Cancer is the place where the multidimensional fixed star Sirius is located. It is not a coincidence that our mental operating systems are in uncharted territory when Mercury conjoins with Sirius for some amazing downloads before returning to the ecliptic 7/13.

The Sun Mercury superior conjunction occurs 7/16; then the Great Messenger meets with Ceres before entering Cancer on 7/19. The 7/22 Mercury Varuna new cycle gives us the capacity to see more of the bigger picture. We are growing in the ways we use our minds.


Mercury was the 2nd planet to conjoin with Sirius; the Sun makes that connection on 7/6, stretching our consciousness if we are open to it. The 7/30 Venus-Sirius new cycle completes the upgrade of the mind-heart connection. These communions with Sirius happen yearly, but not often do these 3 personal planets come together with the fixed star in the same month.


The 7/13 Full Moon in Capricorn is one of major proportions. The Sun is flanked by Mercury and Ceres, while the Moon conjoins Pluto, just at the point of his 2nd return. The nodes connect with the Sun-Moon bridge by resource and manifestation, and Juno resources the Moon as well. This is a lunar event of rising unity consciousness and new modes of communication and connection. The old responses just won’t work anymore. Saturn has domain over the Moon, and he manifests with Venus, providing action with heart-based integrity. We understand our love for and responsibility to each other.  The Sun goes on to meet with Mercury (7/16) and Ceres (7/22) before moving into Leo 7/22. Ceres then switches into Leo 7/23, where she will remain for the next 2 months.


The Sun has domain over the 7/28 Leo New Moon, another powerful lunation. This one features a triple new cycle between the Sun, Moon, and Varuna, with Ceres in attendance. It forms a Lightbridge with Chariklo, and is the point of a Finger of God (yod) with Quaoar and Vesta. Jupiter is stationing to go retrograde, making his energies most powerful, and his communion with Salacia (exact 7/20) reminds us to combine our wisdom with playfulness and joy. No matter how polarized and chaotic things seem, we have the capacity to pull back and see the soul’s-eye view, which can open us up to new ideas and understandings of current situations, especially if we face what comes with courage and faith. The 7/31 Uranus-Soul Star Chakra new cycle underscores this, and any sudden shake-ups and surprises that occur are meant for our evolution, and so are ultimately positive. There is still joy and beauty to be found, it just depends on our perspective.


This month there are many retrogrades that shift our energies within for reflection and calibration. For starters, Vesta goes retrograde 7/7, followed by 5D planet Salacia 7/9. Haumea, who figures so prominently with Pluto this month, goes direct on 7/12, bringing forth creativity and a sense of wholeness. Another 5D planet, Astraea, begins her backwards journey on 7/17, the same day Venus enters Cancer, bringing emotional harmony.


On 7/19 the Master Teacher-Healer Chiron goes retrograde.  Chiron makes things whole, and his function is to connect us to our higher Self. Without that higher connection in us, Chiron makes us pay more attention to the body, the vehicle that carries the soul in this lifetime. For the next 5 months it would be useful to attend to the body’s messages, giving it care and gratitude. Chiron in Aries also indicates a mastery of thought, and while he is in that energy field, we are exploring our thought processes and redirecting them towards Christ Consciousness.


The asteroid planet Juno turns retrograde 7/25, and we begin to reevaluate our relationship to everything and ultimately ourselves, since everything is, after all, a projection. Finally, Jupiter, giant planet of social consciousness and wisdom, moves backward towards Source 7/28, same day as the Leo New Moon. Jupiter expands our consciousness, and even when he is retrograde, his expansive frequencies can be felt. During this time, we go within and reevaluate how we connect socially, where we could have applied wisdom but did not, and how we can expand our consciousness to see the Truth in others.


Taken altogether, this is a busy month. It would be worth our while to make time for reflection or quiet meditation each day, even if only for a few minutes. This gives us needed space to note the changes around and within us, and sense the tiny gems of new consciousness begin to emerge.


Shelly offers short, written 5D readings based on one question. For more details, please email me at, with your birth information and your question. I look forward to hearing from you!

Monthly Report for September 2022

Shelly LealMonthly Aspects







September Overview

The pace begins to pick up this month, in preparation for the major events coming up in October. We welcome the pace, as the usual personal planets (Sun, Mercury and Venus) change signs, and there are 3 retrogrades—but one is our old friend Mercury. A new wormhole opens, and we enter a new season, so there are still some major changes.


On 9/1, Mars resources (sextiles) Jupiter and Varuna, and Mercury resources the Black Moon, makes a stepping stone (square) with Quaoar, and manifests with (trines) Chariklo; there are a lot of 5D energies at work today.  Mercury and Mars manifest with each other 9/2. There is a strong mind-body connection, and while we may find the mental stability to uncover (or think about) a newly revealed Truth, our actions are informed with a wider perspective and positive energy. It’s a good way to start the month. Mars enters his shadow 9/3, preparing for his all-important retrograde in a few weeks.


Mercury conjoins with (conjuncts) MakeMake 9/4, the 1st of three communions. The Great Messenger is moving quite slowly, and he begins his 3rd retrograde of the year on 9/9 at 9° Libra, the sign of the Mirrored Self in Cosmic Consciousness. Other people will show us where we need to rethink our ideas, and where we need to lighten up and change our perspective. This is all part of the divine Plan, and it’s time we allowed our thinking to change. As Mercury travels backwards towards Source, the direction of his retrograde, he checks in with MakeMake again (9/14), on his way to meet the Sun (9/23) midway through his retrograde cycle for an inferior conjunction. Whenever these two planets come together (as they do 6 times a year) there is a reboot in our mental operating systems and we become more aware of our thoughts and how we communicate. This conjunction occurs at the beginning of Libra and is part of the Vernal Equinox, so it’s pretty important; just after that (9/23) Mercury reenters Virgo to realign and balance our mental responses.


Venus is moving through Virgo, the sign of Emotional Wisdom, having entered that sign 9/5. She makes her way to a new cycle (conjunction) with Orcus (9/16), reminding us that Love is the only thing that endures beyond physicality. Venus then goes on to conjunct Mercury (9/26), the 1st of 3. Mind and heart connect in the healing space of the Divine Mother (Virgo), who heals and aligns all our parts, making us whole. These 2 archetypes manifest with (or trine) Pluto on the degree of his return (27° Capricorn) ; to say that our mind-heart connection (or masculine-feminine aspect) is undergoing a major transformation is an understatement. We don’t know how it will manifest; all we can do is allow it. The energies here are harmonious and flowing.


Venus then moves on into Libra 9/29, the sign which, according to Cosmic Consciousness, she once held dominion over (Libra now belongs to Astraea). Still, we learn about Love through relating with others, so Libra will always be connected to Venus. On the same day Ceres, the cosmic midwife, enters Virgo to slowly follow in Venus’ footsteps.


The Sun also makes a new cycle with Orcus, as any planet moving through Virgo will, on 9/6, bringing our consciousness to the realm of immortality, or what endures beyond the physical. Focusing on the beyond tends to raise our consciousness. A few days later, on 9/10, the Pisces Full Moon occurs. It holds the soft, visionary energies of the divine feminine, with Astraea, Juno and Neptune flanking the Moon and Orcus still near the Sun. Uranus connects with this Full Moon, by resource (Moon) and manifestation (Sun); it’s possible to bring some awakening or clarity through our responses to what comes to meet us. Again, these are positive energies.


When the Sun makes his way into Libra 9/22, the Fall/Spring Equinox kicks off a new season.

Day and night are perfectly balanced, and everyone on the planet experiences that. Mercury is just hours away from his inferior conjunction with the Sun, so communication and connection are important this season. The Sun makes a stepping stone (square) with Ixion, newly direct, suggesting the importance of redefining our collective purpose going forward. The Leo Moon forms a great eliminator (inconjunct) with Pluto; if we choose to make our emotional responses one of gratitude and looking for any blessings in whatever comes our way, we will find the path much easier to navigate.


On 9/25 a new wormhole opens with the New Moon in Libra. This is a powerful lunar event, with Mercury, Venus and MakeMake surrounding the Sun-Moon new cycle (aka conjunction), and Jupiter creating a bridge to it (aka opposition) from Aries. It is part of the divine plan to learn about ourselves through interactions with others, and what we see may prove eye-opening. What we think and how we feel about it are there for us to see, and while Jupiter holds a big mirror up for us, he also shows us our wisdom. Chariklo is also involved, bringing a calming, stabilizing energy, especially in the social realm. This is an opportunity to gain real knowledge of one another. The wormhole is disposed by Sedna in the 5D realm, and Astraea, so ancient feminine wisdom is available to take us to new places, especially within relationships. We will learn so much.


A word must be said about Ixion and Quaoar, two 5D planets that seem to travel together through the ages. Their astrological pattern is to go retrograde within days of each other in April (or, in Ixion’s case, very late March) and to go direct in September. True to form, Ixion resumes direct motion 9/14, and Quaoar follows suit 9/18, both in Capricorn. These long-termers will maintain this pattern for many years to come. With new thought (Quaoar) comes a new purpose (Ixion), and vice versa.


Shelly offers short, written 5D readings based on one question. For more details, please email me at, with your birth information and your question. I look forward to hearing from you!