December 2022 Monthly Aspects

Shelly LealMonthly Aspects

December 2022

The energies of December 2021 are brought into the new year, and so bear revisiting. Newly infused with galactic frequencies, Venus bridges (opposes) Mars, bringing heart energy into the body, and then goes out of bounds (12/1) for 3 weeks. One could way Love knows no bounds.


Neptune has the capacity to lift veils and enlighten, allowing us to clearly see through the fog of illusion, distortion and deception currently surrounding us. On 12/3 Neptune stations direct, forming a stepping stone (square) with Venus.  We are working for more clarity in interactions, more compassion and a greater willingness to face the truth without fear, so we can reconnect with each other in healthy ways.


As Mercury and Venus finish their journeys through Sagittarius, they make new cycles (or conjunctions) with the Galactic Center (on 12/4 and 12/7), the black hole and creator (Source) energy at the center of our own local galaxy. These infusions of higher consciousness can lead us to the place where we can clear lower frequencies in mind and heart, aligning with our higher Self. Then they enter the quality of consciousness of Capricorn, 12/6 and 12/9, respectively, where they connect with Ixion (12/8 and 12/11), checking in with the collective purpose for clarity and integrity. We have to believe it, and it has to feel right. The duo goes on to make new cycles with Quaoar (12/11 and 12/15) providing balance from which new thought arises.


While that’s happening, the Full Moon in Gemini occurs, on 12/7, with the Moon occulting (conjoining) Mars, which is like a mini eclipse, in a bridge with the Sun. Our emotions can lead us to act in certain ways, but if we question what motivates our emotions we can respond in a more conscious, appropriate way. The Juno-Orcus Lightbridge crosses the Full Moon, creating a crossroad in Wisdom (mutable) signs. Uranus is also part of the mix. Wise action arising from the perspective of unity consciousness has the capacity to awaken those around us to the existence of higher planes of awareness. The Ceres Pluto manifestation signifies the dismantling of old structures to make way for the birthing of a new emotional wisdom that informs new ways to serve the collective.


On 12/18 Ceres enters Libra, the same day that the Sun meets up with the Galactic Center for some serious downloads. It takes the Sun 3 days to make it into Capricorn (12/21), the sign of Spiritual Power, and the Winter/ Summer Solstice. According to Cosmic Consciousness, it is during that time that the resurrection into a new cycle of being happens. Each year we are reborn, and this year it begins with Salacia going direct 12/19, which lightens us and delivers us to a greater capacity to find the hidden joy in our lives, as well as Jupiter’s entry into Aries for good on 12/20, bridging Ceres, providing the ingredients for a Solstice full of promise and potential.
The solstice chart gives clues as to the energies of the next 3 months. The first thing to notice is the Lightbridge (or opposition) between Ceres and Jupiter, intersected by the Sun in a T-square, all at 00° of Power signs Capricorn, Aries and Libra. The Sun also resources (sextiles) Haumea at 00° Scorpio. New, expansive energies are entering the planet, and our consciousness, and they are creative and Light-filled. Mercury bridges the Black Moon, and resources Juno; the potential is there for discovering new truths about old ideas and beliefs, and these truths can manifest the idea of connectedness and unity consciousness to those who never really thought about it. The 5D planets Salacia, Chariklo and Quaoar all connect, another indication of the availability of higher thought that can provide stability and lightness, even joy. Even with all the darkness we see, more Light and higher consciousness is pouring into the world for us to work with.


The New Moon in Capricorn occurs 12/23, conjoined with Ixion and Quaoar, and in a stepping stone (square) with Ceres, and Jupiter. We are redefining our purpose now, and some of us are already, or will be called to become activists for the environment or social justice, while others may become healers to help ground the newly awakened ones. Jupiter’s influence bodes well for social engagement. This lunar event serves to reinforce the Solstice energies, with the extra added attraction of Chiron stationing direct at the same time, inviting healing, alignment, and wholing back into the world.


The Sun follows the degrees taken by Mercury and Venus with his own new cycles with Ixion 12/24 and Quaoar 12/28. It is so synchronous to become more aware of new paradigms of thought on the same day that Pluto makes his final return to the degree he occupied when the US was born. Pluto has been dismantling what no longer works, and he will continue to do so. Yet this is the point of manifestation, where ideals that have merit begin the process of resurrection into something sustainable for the future. Also, on 12/28 the Juno-Neptune new cycle (conjunction) occurs, with Venus making a resource aspect, bringing new life and love into the dream of unity consciousness.


 In 2021 Mercury’s retrogrades all took place in air signs. For most of 2022 the retrogrades shift between air and earth signs. Air is masculine and earth is feminine, so there is a balance between the mental and physical energies. This retrograde begins a new kind of cycle, since it occurs totally in earthy Capricorn.


Mercury takes his last retrograde on 12/29 at 24° Capricorn. He approaches, but does not meet Pluto, meaning we won’t be ready for Pluto’s kind of empowerment at the mental level until after the retrograde. More introspection is needed first. But while Mercury is stationing, Venus comes along and makes a new cycle with him, once again manifesting a balance to the restructuring of mind and heart. When they work together, we are receptive, secure, and responsive to the requirements of any situation that presents itself. Now Venus leads again, going on to make a new cycle with Pluto just minutes into the new year. This brings us back to the theme of the empowered heart, the awareness of the power of Love to heal and to connect that we started 2022 with. When we honor our emotions, and honor our connection to Source, we empower ourselves to approach whatever meets us with strength, compassion, and Love.


As we prepare for the new year, I wish you love, joy and peace through the coming season and new year. Happy holidays!!

I offer short, written 5D readings based on one question. For more details, please email me at, with your birth information and your question. I look forward to hearing from you!


November 2022 Monthly Aspects

Shelly LealMonthly Aspects

November Overview

We are feeling the intense via combusta energies as Venus leads the personal planets through Scorpio. The Moon’s nodes have been holding at 13 Taurus/Scorpio for two months, and the Earth Star Chakra, (S. Node) in Scorpio is there to greet Venus on 11/2. The Sun (11/5) and Mercury (11/6) follow suit, and these new cycles help us go deep to bring up karmic wounds for clearing. It will feel uncomfortable, but each clearing opens up new energies.  After that, one by one, Venus (11/4), the Sun, and Mercury (11/7) exit the via combusta, just in time for the Sun-Mercury superior conjunction and the Full Moon in Taurus on 11/8.


Last month’s New Moon eclipse occurred in Scorpio, and this Full Moon is a culmination of that lunation; a Total Lunar Eclipse, due to the proximity of the nodes to the Sun and Moon. Venus, Mercury and the karmic S. Node (Earth Star) surround the Sun, while the evolutionary N. Node (Soul Star) and Uranus join the Moon. Our emotional responses are upgraded; when we change the old ways of reacting to events and people, we may be surprised by the responses we receive. It all begins with us. The Sun-Mercury communion indicates a re-visioning of divine masculine energies, and consciously directing communication in positive ways. Saturn forms an intersection (T-square) to the Full Moon and nodal bridge. We can reopen old wounds and create more of the same, or we can choose a different response, stay open to hour inner guidance, and embrace the unknown. This eclipse takes place on Election Day in the United States, and anything goes. But there most certainly will be a shift.


Because of their long orbital patterns, when a 5D planet shifts into a new sign it signifies a major change in that energy field. These planets require a higher consciousness, but those of us who are so attuned will feel the shift, which will last for years. Haumea has stayed in the Libra quality of consciousness since 1992, and on 11/13 she adds her creativity and the awareness of all parts of the whole working together to Scorpio’s alchemical energies. This is yet another sign (pardon the pun) of the transformation we are manifesting.  We get a taste of these Scorpionic energies until Haumea retrogrades back into Libra for most of next year. This heralds the beginning of a major metamorphosis and recalibration that will have lasting effects throughout 2023 and beyond.


We are feeling the shift from the deep Scorpio energies to a lighter Sagittarius energy, leaving Pluto’s domain and entering Jupiter’s. Traveling together, Venus and Mercury enter Sagittarius, the former on 11/16 and the latter the day after.  They commune again on 11/21, bringing mind and heart together to overcome obstacles to the expression of our higher Self.  On 11/22, the Sun shines his light onto the sign of Highest Victory.


When the New Moon in Sagittarius occurs on 11/23, all the personal planets are conjoined in this energy field, except for Mars, retrograding in Gemini. This lunation is special for many reasons. For one, it closes the wormhole that began in September. The sideways elevators and eclipses that took us to new places within ourselves during the last few weeks are done, and now we can process our experiences and gain wisdom. Jupiter has domain over this New Moon, and today he stations direct, just as the Sun and Moon conjoin! It’s no coincidence that this lunation takes place right before Thanksgiving in the US, the start of the holiday season, with the planet of expansive social consciousness powerfully beginning his outward expression. This bodes well for the rest of the year. Ceres and Neptune form a bridge (opposition) with Mars intercepting in a T-square, and Vesta, newly entered into Pisces, manifests with (trines) Haumea, signifying a growing commitment to understanding the interconnectedness of everything and a readiness to create something new from that perspective. Our mental capacities expand into uncharted territory as Mercury goes out of bounds on 11/23 as well, for a month.


The Great Attractor, at 14° Sagittarius, is a huge, extremely magnetic black hole in the middle of our supercluster Laniakea. It pulls everything towards it, and emits extremely high frequencies. Any planet in Sagittarius will meet with it, but it’s not often that both Mercury (11/26) and Venus (11/27) commune with it together, creating a beautiful mind-heart, masculine-feminine balance of multidimensional energies. Mercury finishes the month with a bridge to Mars on 11/29, giving the mind-body connection a boost. We get to think before we act, always a wise thing to do.


Happy Thanksgiving!! I am grateful for you all!


I offer short, written 5D readings based on one question. For more details, please email me at, with your birth information and your question. I look forward to hearing from you!


Monthly Overview for October, 2022

Shelly LealMonthly Aspects








The month of October generally shifts the energies towards that of the coming year, as September is the month of completion. This is so true for this October, as fully 7 planets turn direct and an important one—Mars—turns retrograde. Except for Mars, this is in keeping with the planetary cycles of moving forward into the new year.


Let’s begin with Mercury, who goes direct on 10/2, in a bridge (opposition) to Neptune. It’s time to think about our dreams for the future, although they may not be clear yet. Vesta resumes direct motion on 10/5 near Saturn, raising our dedication to Self-care, so necessary these days. On 10/8 our old friend Pluto stations direct, manifesting (in a trine) with Mercury, and our mental capacity is ready for an upgrade.  The centaur planet Chariklo also goes direct, in a loose opposing Lightbridge with Varuna, on 10/14, and her gentle stabilizing and protective influence helps to ground the wide-angle perspective that is available at this time.


October 23 brings not one, but two planets changing direction, as Saturn and Juno both station direct within hours of each other. We are ready to stand in our authority and take responsibility for ourselves, knowing that we are related to everything in and around us. When we act maturely and for the benefit of others we connect with our own limitlessness. Finally, Astraea resumes direct motion 10/31. The fullness of divine feminine spirit now begins to express itself in the world as fairness, balance and justice.  Now all the planets in Aquarius, and half the planets in Pisces, are direct, and their energies are manifesting externally. The pace picks up.


Mars goes out of bounds, beyond the ecliptic on 10/22, taking our physicality into uncharted territory. We are learning to connect with our souls and higher Self while still in the body, and our actions can produce unexpected results (keep in mind we are still in a wormhole too). This period, which goes beyond our consciousness, lasts 5 ½ months, and includes Mars’ entire retrograde cycle. During this time, Mars travels between Gemini and Cancer, indicating that the mind and emotions have a significant effect on the body. If we’re aware of what we think and feel, we will come to understand ourselves so much better, and our actions will produce positive results. Mars has the most irregular retrograde cycle of all the planets; a retrograde can last from 58-81 days. On 10/30 Mars begins moving backwards, and this period lasts 75 days, until 1/12/23. Since it takes place entirely in Gemini, it behooves us to pay attention to our bodies and give it the care it needs. We are becoming crystalline beings, and must honor the requirements of the body as it transforms.


The 10/9 Full Moon in Aries features Venus, MakeMake and Arcturus attending the Sun, and Chiron and Eris surrounding the Moon. Eris and Arcturus are in an exact bridge; disruptive scientific breakthroughs are possible. The Venus-Chiron bridge signifies a healing of emotions, allowing for different perspectives. The Saturn-Uranus stepping stone (square) connects with the Sun and Moon; reclaiming our authority can yield positive choices that deliver us to new realizations. Pluto is stationing to go direct as well, making him even more powerful. Things are shifting to a higher level.


Now direct, Mercury reenters Libra 10/10, where MakeMake awaits. MakeMake represents the higher universal Laws, such as the law of karma, the Law of Attraction, the physical laws of nature, and so on. This month the Sun (10/1), Venus (10/5) and Mercury (10/16) make new cycles (conjunctions) with MakeMake. We gain a greater capacity to know that what we experience in the world is part of the divine plan, no matter how it unfolds, although being in Libra, we may be shown this through others’ responses to us. It should be said that Mars manifests 3 times with MakeMake, which is entirely appropriate: physicality is dense, and it will take more than one trine to integrate the higher laws on a physical level.


As the planetary archetypes of our consciousness, heart, and mind travel through Libra, they each get to the via combusta, the Fiery Way.  This is a portion of our energy field that runs from 15° Libra to 15° Scorpio, and it contains intense, vigorous energies. Passage through the via combusta can be uncomfortable, but yields so much wisdom. One by one the Sun (10/8), Venus (10/11) and Mercury (10/20) enter this field, and things will begin to feel more potent. Being centered and aware will be helpful now. This pattern repeats every October.


Yet the fixed star Arcturus and 5D planet Haumea are located here, two very positive and beneficial energies. As each planet makes a new cycle with Arcturus–the Sun on 10/17, Venus, the day after, and Mercury, on 10/26–advanced healing and scientific breakthroughs are available to us.


Venus is traveling with the Sun all month, and they finally come together in a new cycle conjunction on 10/22, just before an exact triple conjunction between the Sun, Venus, and Haumea, archetype of creativity and unity consciousness. This rare triple communion is exceptional and especially positive; with this influence we are aware of our hearts’ desires and what we want to create going forward. Our hearts are fully in it. This three-way aspect makes a great eliminator (inconjunct) with Sedna, whose 5D energies align jwith Libra. We can choose to avail ourselves of the ancient divine feminine energies that are making themselves known on some level. These are the last aspects Haumea makes before she changes signs next month.


October 23 is a huge day of changes. Not only do Saturn and Juno go direct, as mentioned before, but Venus and the Sun enter Scorpio together, and make a great eliminator with retrograde Jupiter in Aries, just before he reenters Pisces (10/28). Jupiter expands our pioneering spirit, and with the shift in our consciousness into the alchemical realm, we are primed to go further in envisioning and manifesting something new that is more aligned with our changing values.


The New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse occurs in Scorpio on 10/25, with Venus in tow. Our emotions are a big part of this eclipse, which is a reboot of consciousness. How do we feel about the changes we are going through? Venus has trouble navigating in this sign, it’s too intense; it’s important to allow our feelings to be felt, and question where they are coming from. Things are coming up to be seen and let go. Ixion and the Black Moon form a bridge which connects with the New Moon; now is the time to explore how our purpose is changing, and why. We are letting the old go, to make space for the new in ourselves.


Shelly offers short, written 5D readings based on one question. For more details, please email me at, with your birth information and your question. I look forward to hearing from you!

Monthly Overview for August, 2022

Shelly LealMonthly Aspects







After all the activity in July, August could seem tame by comparison. But wait, all the personal planets change signs, Venus and Mars are active, and a very important retrograde takes place.


As the month opens, Mars makes a new cycle (conjunction) with the evolutionary Soul Star Chakra (N. Node), the last of the personal planets to do so. He follows the steps that Mercury took in April and Venus went over in June. We can feel these steps towards the future in our bodies, making them more grounded and a part of us. Mars also communes with (or conjuncts) Uranus on the same day, 8/1, making for the potential for shocking actions by some, physical shocks to the planet, or some kind of shock to the body. The net result of any of these is awakening, pure and simple. But Venus forms a resource to these new cycles, reminding us to give ourselves space to examine our feelings and values, and put Love into the equation. When we remember what matters to us, we can restore ourselves to balance in the face of sudden surprises. Mars continues on to make a new cycle with Sedna 8/19, before moving into Gemini 8/20. This Gemini placement is important, since Mars goes retrograde there at the end of October, and remains in Gemini until March 2023. This is the beginning of a new mind-body connection, a new understanding of what motivates our thoughts, and knowing when to act upon them, from a place of love.


The mind shifts into a different quality of consciousness when Mercury enters Virgo on 8/4. He is moving very fast, but while he’s in the sign of Inner Alignment, our capacity for aligning the mind with the emotional and physical aspects of our being are enhanced. Our thoughts turn to how we can be of service in these unprecedented times. The Mercury-Orcus new cycle occurs on 8/12; while the lower mind is limited, we know that our soul is not, and this is merely a journey we are taking. On 8/20 Mercury enters his shadow (the same day that Mars enters his sign) and on 8/25 he enters Libra, preparing for his next retrograde in September. This month prepares us for what lies ahead.


Venus also has a busy month. On 8/9 she makes a bridge (or opposition) with Pluto, once again bringing up the year’s theme of the empowered heart and changing values. Venus moves into Leo 8/11, just in time for the Leo New Moon. Once there, she makes her way to new cycles (conjunctions) with Varuna (8/16) and Ceres (8/22) and a bridge with Saturn (8/28). We experience the blessings of an expanded perspective, which brings in a new way of looking at the world, and this gives us a sense of empowerment and greater self-esteem.


The Sun is dignified in Leo, making us aware of our life force, how our attitudes and outlook affect the world around us, and how shifting into the positive raises the energy all around us.

The Full Moon in Aquarius occurs on 8/11, with the Moon conjunct Saturn, bringing up the lesson that if we can love ourselves completely, we can let ourselves shine, and so serve others. Uranus disposes the Aquarian Moon and makes an intersection  (T-square) with the Sun-Moon bridge. Will we focus on the positive, or revert to negative reactions? The Moon looks towards the future, and Saturn makes sure we respond with integrity. On this day Ceres manifests with (trines) Jupiter, birthing some expansive energies, especially socially. Such a powerful, positive aspect.

The Sun works his way through Leo, aspecting Eris and Pluto along the way, as he enters the energy field of Virgo 8/22. This is the sign of the purity of the spiritual Mother, who holds the Christ Consciousness of forgiveness, healing, mastery and service. Virgo allows us to zoom in to what needs healing and alignment, making us whole. This is where the New Moon takes place, at 4° Virgo, on 8/27. Mars makes a stepping stone (aka square) with this lunation, bringing the energies of the mind-body connection together with the Sun-Moon communion (or new cycle) of alignment. Chiron has domain over this New Moon, and he manifests with (trines) Ceres at the World Axis point, underscoring that something new is coming into being that will bring healing to us all. We may not be able to grasp it, but we’re certainly feeling it on some level. It’s a hopeful way to closes out the month.


The month ends with Sedna stationing retrograde, at the master degree of Taurus. The ancient Divine Feminine still has more work to do before Sedna dips a toe into Gemini. More grounding is necessary. But as the song says, a change is gonna come.


Shelly offers short, written 5D readings based on one question. For more details, please email me at, with your birth information and your question. I look forward to hearing from you!