2019 Leo Full Super Moon Total Lunar Eclipse

Vivian SmallCall, Moon Report

2019 Leo Full Moon

Monday, January 21, 2019

12:16am EST, 9:16pm (1/20)PST, 5:16am GT

0 Leo 51

What a wormhole journey without many places to get our bearings! Cosmic Consciousness starts with the premise that all planetary archetypes and qualities of consciousness (signs) are projections of ourselves. Collectively, we created these to help us expand our awareness, transcend duality, and realize our purpose as spiritual beings having a physical experience here on Earth. What should be clear is that we can travel at any time to any portion of our 12-part consciousness. The New/Full Moon phase is useful because it provides specific access that makes it easier to access these parts of ourselves.

We need to fully experience our individual stories to navigate our way through this lifetime, however, without losing sight of the central “I AM” point of our consciousness. When we identify too much with what we are feeling, we lose this perspective and get trapped into thinking that everything is happening to us instead of for us. This is the Cancer-Capricorn polarity we recently explored through the recent New Moon.
Fortunately, it was our Capricorn quality of consciousness that led us through the New Moon passage, placing us within the Executive Director part of ourselves. We had the opportunity to see where certain triggers to our feelings were and their origins. Once we saw where these sticky points were located, we could use the New Moon to hit the ‘reset” button, or not. Some things have had to play out, while others may feel completed. If it felt at times like being on a barren landscape, this may have been necessary to provide us with a clear picture of where our feelings were being triggered.

Tycho Peak, photo by NASA/GSFS/Arizona State University/Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, 11 June 2011 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:LRO_Tycho_Central_Peak.jpg.
We really won’t have a clear perspective on the impact of clearing these triggers until we emerge from the wormhole on 4 February.
The Full Moon occurs at 1 Leo 51. Leo is disposed by the Sun, which is our consciousness and forms Self-awareness. Leo is where we explore how to move from what “is not” to an all-encompassing acceptance of “what is.”  It is through our Leo consciousness that we appreciate the impact of positivity on life. Picture a sunny garden day, with the Sunlight warming our skin and backlighting all the colors of the flowers. The Sun shines equally upon everything on Earth; it is the constant in our solar system, and all our planetary archetypes move around the Sun.


The Full Moon occurs one day after the Sun moves into the Aquarian part of our consciousness, where we explore the experience of unconditional universal Love. It is a Super Moon, meaning the Moon is closer to Earth than usual, and as such will be redder than usual (aka a ‘Blood” Moon). Native Americans called this a Wolf Moon, as it occurs when food is scarcer in the Northern hemisphere. Most importantly, there will be a total lunar eclipse during the Full Moon, creating a sideways elevator, e.g. movement coming from unexpected directions which we can chose to move with or resist.
This Full Moon provides several opportunities to move into a new landscape for our conscious experience, should we decide to work with them. A total lunar eclipse is like a computer software system re-boot of our emotional awareness. The light reflected from the Sun disappears briefly, and we can explore any shadows we may harbor. Because the Sun is in Aquarius, this is a great opportunity to identify where we habitually criticize ourselves and block out a sense of abundance. To address this, doing something kind for someone else is a good way to break out of any absorption with needing to be perfect first.


Total Lunar Eclipse, 21 December 2010, Arlington, VA, photo credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls  https://images.nasa.gov/details-201012210003HQ.html
The Full Moon is conjunct Varuna (where we can access the widest and highest perspective possible) at 2 Leo and the Soul Star (North Node, the story we leave life with) at 27 Cancer. Varuna and the Soul Star add great purpose to whatever vision we evoke for emotional re-boot during the Full Moon/total lunar eclipse. Manifesting (trining) with the Full Moon is Salacia (where we explore with light and shadow) at 2 Aries. A sense of playfulness with the sideways elevator ride is there for us, if we chose, because of Salacia’s presence.
Sitting with the Aquarian Sun is a powerful Capricorn stellium (grouping) comprised of the Earth Star (South Node, the story we enter life with) at 27 Capricorn, Mercury (how we communicate) at 25 Capricorn, Pluto (where we transform ourselves) at 21 Capricorn, and Saturn (where we access authority) at 14 Capricorn. The Black Moon (how we relate to the Divine Feminine) at 11 Aquarius is conjunct the Sun, making certain that anything we try to hide from ourselves will get exposed.


NASA’s Solar Dynamics Obervatory Sees a Solar Flare and a Lunar Transit, 30 January 2014. https://images.nasa.gov/details-GSFC_20171208_Archive_e001245.html
The involvement of the Moon’s nodes, holding open the Cancer/Capricorn polarity makes this Full Moon even more potent, if that can be imagined, because they reflect our global experience. Standing in the middle of the Light Bridge created by the Full Moon, the nodal involvement means that there can be collective movement toward self-empowerment for everyone, not just one group over another. At least a way forward toward this goal can become more visible at this time.
Let’s look at Uranus (where we awaken) 29 Aries I a Light Bridge with Haumea (where we access unity consciousness) at 27 Libra. Haumea is conjunct Pallas Athena (where we access feminine wisdom) at 26 Libra, and conjunct the fixed star Arcturus (where goodness and virtue can arise) at 24 Libra. Uranus disposes the Aquarian Sun, and will show us in a flash how we can move toward unity consciousness globally, by giving recognition to the Truth—that the Divine Feminine and Masculine are always in perfect harmony.


Lightning on the Columbia River, photo by Ian Boggs   https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Phatman_-_Lightning_on_the_Columbia_River_(by-sa).jpg,
This Light Bridge forms the ongoing Grand Crossroad (cardinal cross) with the Moon’s nodes. We need to find a way to get over our love affair with our binary male and female individuality and embrace our individual existence as an integral part of the whole. We are each of us the flowering part of the global life root system that connects each lifeform to another. The Grand Crossroad gives us four different paths to explore individually or all at once by standing in the middle, to find our way as the both the individual being and the collective I AM.
Jupiter (where we expand our consciousness) at 15 Sagittarius and Venus (how we love) at 14 Sagittarius are conjunct the Great Attractor (14 Sagittarius). The Great Attractor is magnetic black hole at the center of our galaxy. In this case, it is attracting everything associated with an expanded heart center during the Full Moon. Mars at 13 Aries is manifesting with the Great Attractor adding additional energy and movement. Because of the total lunar eclipse sideways elevator, we may have a spell of feeling completely unmoored. However, if we allow the inherent benevolence of the Jupiter/Venus connection to work with the intrinsic positivity of the Leo Moon, we will find ourselves having awake and ready to step up to higher ground.  It’s worth watching the official video of the artist Hozier and Mavis Staples sing his song “Nina Cried Power.”



Please read Stephanie Azaria’s daily blog and weekly write-up and Shelly Leal’s monthly report for a complete description of all the aspects occurring for this Full Moon.  If you have any comments, you can send an email to: viviansmall2017@gmail.com