Saturn Cosmic Consciousness

Shelly LealCosmic Consciousness Articles

October 16, 2016


These times are beyond words, a truly suspenseful movie. Some day there will be an actual movie about these times. With everything going on, I saw that Saturn formed a Wisdom intersection with the nodes yesterday. You can see that we are shaking loose all our unconscious (and conscious) ideas about women and power all over the world, reaching all the way back to our past and all the way to the future and calibrating it with unity consciousness from Sun/Haumea. And Mars, representing the new Divine Feminine, manifests with the Soul Star Chakra, bringing this recalibration of inner authority into our very bodies, with the Earth Star as a resource. We can’t heal unless we bring these ancient issues to light, and that’s happening in a huge way right now. Juno connecting with Uranus/Eris gives us the fork in the road, the choice once again to choose Love over fear. Because we are in labor now, and don’t know the outcome (even though at some level it’s already happened), it is a very scary and intense time, and our choices must be made consciously and deliberately, with diligence, love, compassion for all, surrender and non-attachment.

Mercury Mars (Male Female Balance) Cosmic Consciousness

Guest AuthorCosmic Consciousness Articles


A couple of days ago I tried to put into words what I perceive regarding “the ongoing adaptation of the Truth of Mars” and the “passing of the baton” between Mercury and Mars.
So here’s how I experience it:

SHE steps out of the water and she reclaims the land. It’s the movement that demonstrates that conscious awareness of the Divine Feminine Energy expands and returns to the physical realm and it fully awakens within the body now. It’s been there all along but we didn’t had the conscious awareness in order to perceive that presence in our physical cells. Our senses were trained and focused in a way that wouldn’t allow for that kind of perception, it’s been humanity’s blind spot so to speak (similar to seeing all the objects in a room without sensing and realizing the space that fills the room). But we cleared the waters and dissolved the denseness that prevented us from FEELING the direct connectedness with source in every moment through our physical bodies so that it would influence our perception of reality. Instead we didn’t SEE it and none of our DOING was sourced from BEING consciously connected with the ALL.
Our perception came from an imbalanced state of mind, the essence of the feminine energy has not been understood, it had no weight or power because it wasn’t perceived nor experienced by the eyes of men. It’s a body intelligence we didn’t consciously work with because we didn’t know it was there. We LOOKED for solutions in the outside world because we thought that’s all there is. The Balance returns now as the body regains conscious awareness of itself holding the substance of Love within every cell. Every particle and molecule that makes up the physical realm is filled with this substance and we regain our ability to perceive it and make it count. Separation consciousness dissolves. Our body and the earth body are ONE and we can finally let this Truth reshape our world. Imagine the fundamental change in how we perceive and communicate, express and experience in the world when we embody the consciousness of Love that comes from a balanced mind.
We might have THOUGHT the flower is shriveled and lacking water but this was just the reflection of our inability to fully value and understand the potential of water and the divine feminine. As soon as we remember the power of the feminine energy what we will perceive ‘out there’ will be very different as it will be based on the realization of our wholeness.
If we can see the wholeness in ourselves and All things we’re no longer wired to the idea of ‘needing to fix things’ nor do we have to operate in such a realm.
The true revaluation takes place within us and the change in perception that comes with it. As conscious holders and embodiers of m-f balance we determine the new paradigm as no thought or action that is still based in the old realm of lack/fear will be able to withstand the realized truth and coherence of Love in form. We are free to remember and manifest the Truth of physicality (Eden template) into being.

Haumea Cosmic Consciousness

Shelly LealCosmic Consciousness Articles

September 24, 2016

While the Sun shines Light on the natural and cosmic Laws underpinning the Universe, Haumea, feminine energy of unity consciousness and wholeness, connects with Ixion (resource), Chiron (Great Eliminator) and Vesta (stepping stone). That’s a lot of connection! We bring devotion and purity to our quest for wholeness and mastery of the lower body system through consciously and consistently choosing the high road, the highest perspective. We are here to do this. Uranus/Eris continues to sweep the dark corners of our consciousness, bringing up the dross for illumination and cleansing. Every time we can remember to get back to our hearts we are healing the world and our Selves. Today’s mantra: I AM Whole. 

The Semisextile: Connection of Intimacy

Shelly LealCosmic Consciousness Articles

September 14, 2016

In addition to today’s Mercury/Venus connection, the Sun shines its Light on Haumea (intimate semisextile), Ixion (stepping stone), Pallas (great eliminator) and Chiron (bridge). We are getting comfortable with seeing and respecting (if not accepting) all parts of the Whole of who we Are, and we know deep inside that this, as well as balancing our masculine/feminine Selves, is what we are here for. We have access to our own feminine wisdom to guide us as we choose again between Love and fear. The gyrations of the mind is fear; Love is peaceful and knowing, it  needs nothing more than to Be. And today we have the opportunity to use the energies of the Master Teacher/Healer within to keep that compassionate Self-focus; the very act of bringing our Selves back to our hearts and coming from there is how we heal our Selves, every single time we do it, with every breath.