The Violet Flame

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Corner

Written by Stephanie Azaria with Shelly Leal
The Violet Flame is one of the most important spiritual tools available to humanity at this time. It is a tool of transmutation. That is, it exists in a higher dimension, and can be consciously brought into the physical plane by calling it in using this invocation:  
“I AM a Being of Violet Fire,
I AM the Purity God desires.”
This decree should be repeated three times, or any multiple of 3, since three is the number of manifestation. The Violet Flame can be called in any time; it is not possible to get too much of it. When we’re meditating, when we’re upset, or even when we go to sleep, we can call in the Flame and let it go to work on our auric field.
When utilized with mindfulness and discipline, the Violet Flame turns all that is dense and fear-based back into Love, through purification by fire.
The Violet Flame was given to humanity in the early 20th century as a gift from St. Germaine. St. Germaine is the avatar of the new Age, as he is the ascended master who presides for all eternity over the quality of consciousness (sign) of Aquarius. This may not yet be obvious, but just as Jesus was the Avatar of the Piscean Age but did not emerge as such for a few hundred years, so St. Germaine’s significance will become well known soon enough.
How the Violet Flame Works
(adapted from the website
In physics, vibration is defined as the speed of oscillation – the speed at which something moves back and forth. On the atomic level, vibration can be understood to be the speed at which electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. The Violet Flame works by increasing the speed of these orbiting electrons, thereby changing vibration at that level.
Atoms contain mostly empty space. The empty space between the nucleus and the electrons is where negative energy and karma can accumulate and become stuck. When our bodies become clogged with this negativity, the electrons whirl more and more slowly, and we begin to resonate more with negativity, and less with Light – which lowers our vibration.
The Violet Flame transmutes this negative energy by infusing it, purifying it, and transforming it into Light. Then, because there is less density within the atom, the electrons whirl faster and faster, raising our vibration.
When we have a higher vibration, our bodies can tap into greater conscious awareness. This awakens us to the importance of our life force. Acupuncturists and yogis know that optimum health comes when this spiritual energy flows freely throughout the body. The Violet Flame calibrates this energy, re-establishing our harmony and equilibrium, propelling us into a more evolved state of being.


Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Corner

Written by Stephanie Azaria with Shelly Leal
Jupiter disposes the sign Sagittarius, which the new 5D system defines as the quality of consciousness where the higher Self learns to master the ego. It is where we clear any obstacle that has prevented us from connecting with our Higher Selves in order to prepare for a new cycle of experience.
Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System, which should make it clear that its archetype is a major focus of our purpose here. Jupiter represents the expansive part of our social identity,  which seeks the Truth from the inside out. (Saturn represents the other half of our social Self, the part that comprehends the Truth from the outside in).
Jupiter’s function is to apply our conscious awareness and expand it. Every time we perceive what is ‘out there’ we have an opportunity to learn who we are. The ultimate Truth that Jupiter makes possible is that everything we perceive is the Self projected, and all the interaction we ever have with the outside world is the expression of that Self… it becomes our social identity.
Jupiter has been called the Great Benefic or The Wise One. He represents the courage to go beyond our limits, which we experience as the impetus to engage and create in collaboration with others. This archetype is the part of us that seeks Truth and gains wisdom through all our worldly pursuits. Jupiter has always been known as the most benefic archetype we have within us, where abundance, growth and wisdom are always accessible. His optimistic, abundant and positive energies encourage growth with every outward expression. Jupiter’s effects always make themselves known. Our consciousness will expand wherever he is placed in our energy field.
It takes Jupiter about a year to move through one sign, and 12 years to travel around the zodiac. We live our lives according to Jupiter’s cycle, experiencing very significant social change at each 12-year mark. The wisdom generated through understanding these cycles, experienced as rites of passage, is a major key to grasping the consciousness required to move to a more awakened state of awareness.  


Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Corner

Written by Stephanie Azaria with Shelly Leal
Saturn disposes Capricorn, which Cosmic Consciousness describes as our connection to Source and the higher Self.
Saturn has long represented the experience of authority and Self-containment in our lives. We feel his energies whenever we face the need to act maturely and take responsibility for our actions. But all authority is ultimately inner authority, and in the greatest sense we are accountable only to our Selves. Realizing this Truth is one of our greatest purposes in life.
When we experience restriction or limitation we tend to react out of fear, and self-doubt results. A lack of Self-esteem disempowers us and generates feelings of social inadequacy. Saturn’s placement in the chart reflects where we are out of integrity with our Selves. We are always only interacting with our own reflection; ultimately we must realize that others treat us in exactly the way we treat our Selves.  Saturn symbolizes the voice of our conscience. When we are not mindful we tend to judge our Selves, and whenever we do that we will also feel judged by others.  A more conscious use of this archetype encourages us to take full responsibility for our own Self-empowerment.
Saturn is known by many names, such as the Great Teacher, Fate, Karma, Father Time, the Grim Reaper, and the Inner Guru. Working with this archetype produces lessons in accountability, which repeat until we become willing to act with integrity.
Saturn’s cycle produces important social rites of passage related to maturity and the level of personal authority we take on during our lifetime. Each time Saturn passes over a degree (every 29 ½ years), the circumstances we experienced at that time recur  if we didn’t learn to deal with them properly the first time. Once the lesson is realized, the Saturn transit produces a new (and often rewarding) chapter of that growth process. Each transit offers us the chance to undertake our responsibilities with more authenticity, thereby allowing us to author our own lives. When we face our fears with honesty and an open heart, we find the Father within, and life is never the same after that.
The classical Saturn archetype was one of restriction. The new archetype is that of the Inner Guru, our authentic inner voice or gut instinct, which connects us to our higher Self and provides impeccable guidance and direction. When we trust in the Inner Teacher, that guidance never fails to move us into Self-empowerment.
Saturn deals with the definition of social structure. All the laws we have created in order to construct our ‘civilization’ come under its domain. Conscious use of Saturn’s energies guides us into Self-worthiness and personal command. As a result, the rules and regulations we’ve made up to provide security, law and order are becoming obsolete.
Saturn’s archetype of organization and structure has served us well, but from the unified perspective, he has ultimately supported our separation consciousness by asking us to rely on outer authority. The Inner Teacher has always been an important part of our socialization process, and as long as there is physical life on Earth that will never change. But as we journey toward our awakening, and Oneness becomes our highest purpose, this aspect of Saturn must give way to a more evolved archetype. (See MakeMake).

The Incredible Significance of Jupiter and Saturn

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Corner

Written by Stephanie Azaria with Shelly Leal
The actual significance of Jupiter and Saturn has been apparent since the discovery of the solar system. Before astronomers could see beyond Saturn, these two archetypes were the outermost planets we knew. With the discoveries of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn were reassigned to the middle of the solar system. In 1992 the Kuiper Belt was discovered, expanding our neighborhood to 10 times its original size. Yet Jupiter and Saturn still dominate; they remain the 2 largest planets, making them undeniably important.
These two planets represent the inner/outer function of every consciousness. Because they are located in the middle of the solar system, they refer to  the relationship between the individual self and the universal Oneness we all share. Even more significantly, they reflect our own personal experience of this relationship.  
There is an expansive quality to Jupiter, and a “contractive” quality to Saturn. Jupiter’s gravity actually holds the solar system together, whereas  Saturn’s rings make us aware of its beautiful definition and also its boundaries.
Jupiter and Saturn are our social identifiers.  Jupiter’s archetype expands what we perceive about our Selves whenever we interact with the outside world. We gain wisdom as we come to understand what is ‘out there’ and how we relate to it.  Saturn’s energies are more focused on defining the Self according to what we perceive ‘out there’, until we begin to realize that our fear-based judgments and comparisons are ultimately Self-limiting.
In Truth, what is ‘out there’ is the exact reflection of what is within us. Everything is Self, and as others are drawn to our frequencies, they reflect back at us who we are. That is the true meaning and purpose of all relationship. Jupiter and Saturn are ‘gigantic’ reminders that the interactive part of life on Earth is the main theme and the real reason for being here.
Once we begin to realize our Selves and we begin to understand that everything ‘out there’ is our reflection or projection, we ultimately come to realize that there is nothing in the world that isn’t coming from our own consciousness. If it isn’t in our awareness in the first place, we won’t perceive it at all.
Jupiter and Saturn signify the way we connect our individuality to the collective whole, through the development of our objectivity, which is a social process. Objectivity means that we can be aware of the way others perceive us, and we can observe the effects that our actions may have on others. Becoming objective about the individual Self is a major step toward becoming the Great Observer, a state of consciousness that is vital to attain if we are going to achieve a 5D level of awareness.  
Together Jupiter and Saturn function to bring our connection with others to our awareness in two distinct but polarized ways. Jupiter represents our desire to achieve personal freedom and liberation, as we interact with the outer world and explore the opportunities that result in the expansion of consciousness. 
Through Saturn, we learn about relationships through boundaries, perceived restrictions and limitations, and the need to deal maturely and responsibly with any challenging circumstance. Saturn, as the Great Teacher, often brings us back to the experience of fear-based reaction, which always stems from the belief in separation.  
The state of physicality is what causes us to believe we are separate from each other. In 3D consciousness, there is me and there is you, and we perceive ourselves to be disconnected. We don’t particularly recognize the ways in which we are the same. Saturn offers us the greatest lessons we will ever learn about overcoming the concept of the separated self and stepping into the authentic Self.
The way Jupiter and Saturn relate to each other in our birth chart (energy field), describes the way we have set up our social identity. If they form any kind of an aspect to each other, then social consciousness is important to us. The more emphasized these planets are in the chart by placement, the more focal the social experience becomes.
Through these two planets, we come to realize our lives in terms of a bigger picture, and subsequently gain the perspective we need to comprehend the fact that a Higher Power is at work in our lives.