The Galactic Center

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Corner

Written by Stephanie Azaria with Shelly Leal


The Galactic Center IS Source. Located at 27 Sagittarius 02,  it is the Black Hole that is the heart of our Milky Way Galaxy. Every galaxy has a black hole at its center that is its Source, and this is ours. It is the cosmic womb, which birthed our universe and will reclaim it in the far distant future.


According to Cosmic Consciousness, the generic Portal of Truth between Sagittarius and Capricorn falls at the midheaven at the top of the chart. It is the connection between the physical and spiritual realms, the place where death and rebirth occurs, where one cycle ends and another begins. The area between 27 Sagittarius and the World Axis/Winter Solstice point (0 Capricorn) constitutes this Portal of Truth. Our crown chakra resides here, and through it we receive downloads of cosmic information. The crown chakra connects us with the higher Self and Source, and all new consciousness comes into us through that vortex.


Everything we experience has manifested out of the energy field that is the Galactic Center. It is the Creator force, the multidimensional point of transformation. On a more personal level, we all carry the cosmos within us, and we all have 27 Sagittarius in our birth chart somewhere. Whenever a planet moves over that degree, a direct line to higher consciousness becomes available to us, expressed through the unique energies of the transiting planet.  We just have to be aware of it and allow it in.


Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Corner

By Stephanie Azaria with Shelly Leal
Quaoar is a dwarf planet that was discovered on June 4, 2002. It is located in the Kuiper Belt and it has an orbit of 287.5 years. The Kuiper Belt object Eris was discovered in 2005 and it was her discovery that led astronomers to create the new classification ‘dwarf planet’. Quaoar was added to this category, along with Pluto and Ceres. It is an interesting fact that Quaoar was discovered before Eris (who is also known as The Great Disruptor), but not classified until Eris took her place. Eris is one of the two Great Awakeners, and as such it makes sense that her archetype is a pioneering spirit in the human story.
“Consistent with the IAU conventions for naming Kuiper Belt Objects after creator deities, the object was given the name Quaoar after the Tongva creator god. The Tongva people (otherwise known as the Mission Indians) are native to the area around Los Angeles, where the discovery of Quaoar was made.” (
Quaoar is a multidimensional archetype that represents the awakened place within us where all thought originates. Quaoar’s presence provides us with the capacity to think new thoughts, and therefore to create a new world. As we become aware of the power of our thoughts, we can create the world in a whole new way, by persistently infusing our thoughts with Love.
In order to allow new thought to emerge from our consciousness, we must be willing to let go of all the limiting paradigms, ideas, beliefs and attitudes that our old thinking has spawned. We must open our hearts and infuse Love into our minds. When we do this, we eventually surrender to the awareness that we cannot Know what we have not yet experienced, and that we don’t truly understand anything that we have habitually believed in. Letting go of our old mindset allows us to have a new experience, uncolored by old thought-forms, and ultimately to access new realizations.
Quaoar has been transiting at or near the Galactic Center since 2014.  This black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy is the frequency of Source Itself. Source IS the energy of Love. As we are witnessing, Quaoar on the Galactic Center is mirroring the changes to our old belief systems that are just now beginning to make themselves known. These changes are irrevocable and inevitable. Quaoar is the 5D octave of Mercury. As our mental operating systems recalibrate with these new Source frequencies, Quaoar serves to represent this higher consciousness as entirely new thoughts and concepts. In the Fifth Dimension Love is Everything: It is the Thought behind thought.

The Birth Chart

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Corner

Written by Stephanie Azaria with Shelly Leal


The birth chart has been considered a map of one’s lifetime by astrologers everywhere for thousands of years. But according to Cosmic Consciousness, the birth chart is actually a snapshot of our energy field, chosen by our Higher Self to serve for this entire incarnation. This Instagram, if you will, reflects the gifts, strengths, lessons and karma we want to work with this time around to facilitate our awakening to a higher consciousness. We set the configuration of our energy field by choosing the time and place of our birth.
It’s important to think of it as an energy field, rather than a road map to some undefined place. The Truth is, when we incarnate, we have already made the choices that relate to our life experiences, and we set up our birth chart specifically to facilitate our evolutionary journey.
A soul preparing for embodiment chooses the moment labor begins. In this way, the fetus is directing its birth day and time. By selecting our parents, we choose our lineage and our DNA, and that choice also determines the location of our birth. With those choices we are delivered to our birth chart, which remains the same for our entire lifetime.

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In Cosmic Consciousness, the energy field is divided into four quadrants, reflecting the four realms we experience as human beings in the 3rd dimension: the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical areas of life. This “division” is created by the intersection of the vertical and horizontal axes, which produces a cross (crossroad) that defines all human experience in physical form. This cross, known as the the axis mundi, or the World Axis, is a 3D visual. It contains the horizontal arm that represents our separation “me and you” consciousness, and the vertical axis that represents our connection with Source
Without conscious awareness of these two axes, we tend to travel the wheel of life in a continually repetitive circle. We will walk this circular path seemingly endlessly until the day comes when we realize we are repeating the same steps. At some point during this process, we awaken to the repetitive nature of our (unconscious) choices, and the spiral, the sacred geometry of our existence, comes into our consciousness. The spiral has two directions, counterclockwise (down) toward the physical and separation consciousness, and clockwise (up) toward Source. This is the TRUE vertical axis, and it is our True Path to ascension.

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Within the crossroad, starting at the top of the chart (the Midheaven), each quadrant, or etheric body begins at a Portal of Truth (formerly cusp) and continues at 90° intervals  that include three hours or mansions. Cusps were thought to separate these hours, but a portal represents a passage that connects two aspects of our consciousness. As we emerge from a portal, a new sphere of existence begins. These four angles on the chart reflect the lower 4-body system of our 3D experience: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.
Each quadrant contains 3 qualities of consciousness (signs), totalling the 12 different mansions (hours) of our experience. These 3 qualities correspond to the 3D Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable energies, but in Cosmic Consciousness they represent the threefold flame of the heart
 Power, Love and Wisdom. There is one of each of these flames for each etheric body. The Power signs represents Brahma, the power of that particular realm within us. The Love signs represents Vishnu,  the mechanism of that body, and the Wisdom signs represent Shiva, the transformational energies of that realm.
We travel around our energy field hour by hour, beginning at the midheaven (12 o’clock hour) on our personal birthday, and we enter into each successive mansion through some kind of initiation on or around the date of our birth each month. By our next birthday we will have completed the experience of all the parts of our Selves through the lower four bodies.
Since time is a fractal thing, we also travel around our personal energy field once every 12 years, entering a new mansion each year that will be experienced and cleared of karmic debris with each of the 12 initiations that serve that part of our consciousness. What those initiations are depends on how far we’ve come and what we’re ready for next.
We are each sparks of Light that live on our own eternal spiral. If we were to slice that spiral from left to right to represent the beginning and end of this lifetime, and look at that slice head on, we would see our birth chart. We choose the moment we arrive so that we can have the physical experience of that part of our eternal Being.


About Those 5D Planets

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Corner

Written by Stephanie Azaria with Shelly Leal

The 5D planets are the celestial bodies that orbit beyond Pluto, and they represent the archetypes of our newly expanding higher awareness.  Just about all of them (except for Ceres) are found in the Kuiper Belt, which is a part of our solar system that exists beyond Neptune’s orbit. For this reason these planets are sometimes referred to as Trans-Neptunian Objects, or TNOs. During the last fifteen years, many of these TNOs have been discovered and named. Once a planet is named, it serves to reflect a full-fledged energy that we have accessed and can work with consciously.  
The Kuiper Belt’s existence was theorized in 1950, but it wasn’t actually proven to exist until 1992. Since then, astronomers have located dozens of objects within this outer realm of our solar system, and have classified them ‘dwarf planets’. The term ‘dwarf planet’ was created in 2006, when astronomers discovered the TNO Eris, and noticed it was the same size as Pluto. On that day, an entirely new planetary category was born, which included reclassification of Pluto and the former asteroid Ceres, as she is also the same size as the other two planets.  
Other TNOs have been grouped in the same category. In addition to Ceres and Eris, Haumea, MakeMake, Varuna, Quaoar, Ixion, and Orcus have been dubbed dwarf planets.  These planets (and the Kuiper Belt itself) have always been there, but it was not possible to recognize them until the consciousness they represent was achieved within us. An expanded consciousness is a prerequisite for working with each of these celestial bodies. As within, so without. So above, as below.
The awareness required to work with these archetypes is already present in each of us, and always has been. Once we fully awaken to those new energies, we have the option to make good conscious use of them, and be delivered to the new world that results from this previously untapped consciousness.