THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 4/16/18

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

STABLE COASTERS – Loved ones, you can hear us. Yes, that is a statement, not a question. You CAN hear us. We talk to you in SO many ways through your OS’s (Operating Systems). After all, you are human computers for a time, and we are in constant communication with your soul team and the satellite dish that communicates (downloads) …

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 2/13/17

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

ADDING TO THE SILENCE – In a world with so much “noise” at the moment, some silence would be nice. This starts at the level of the individual and works its way out. This concept is only complicated AS a concept, rather than simply applying it. Think on this for a moment. What we mean by this is that, with all …