2020 Cancer Full Moon

Vivian SmallMoon Report

10 January 2020

Full Moon Partial Solar Eclipse

2:21 pm EST

BOOM! That was the effect of the New Moon on December 26, with nine planets and points in Capricorn. The impact on our perceptions of authority, structure, and the Divine Father energy in our lives was riveting. If we stayed in 3D, e.g. in our egos tsk-tsking at events taking place around us, the experience might have felt a bit disillusioning. If we used our internal observer’s perch, our perspective would have been far different, seeing anew ways to reshape the path we are on, individually and collectively. In Cosmic Consciousness, Capricorn is where we directly access Source energy. This is where we tap into our Higher Consciousness, realizing that we are the authors of our own lives, regardless of what we attribute to others, starting with our mothers and fathers. When we work with Capricorn, we are empowered, and as such, we work with the sense of the sacred in all things. We approached the new calendar year through the Capricorn New Moon on December 26, while in a wormhole.
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2019 Capricorn New Moon

Vivian SmallMoon Report


26 December 2019

New Moon Solar Eclipse

0:12 am EST

The Full Moon in Gemini on December 12 certainly generated enough stimulus to have our heads spinning, amplified, of course, by the worm hole. The purpose was to repeatedly remind us to go to the central still point, again and again. This is a dance we have with what we perceive of as the natural world
our Consciousness is finely tuned to the movement of the Moon. The Moon, of course, is our shared social archetype that lights up how our feelings flow, in a regular and predictable phased cycle. Most of us seriously believe we are in total control of how we feel and will not stand for anyone to tell us otherwise. With a mindfulness discipline of some kind, over time, we see that our feelings dance to another rhythm, and it is our task to both observe and participate in this process, repeatedly. Not to become adept, necessarily, although this is possible. The objective is instead to have the experience and take joy in it, even though emotional flow over time may be at times uncomfortable.
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2019 Gemini Full Moon

Vivian SmallMoon Report

12 December 2019

Full Moon 19 Gemini 51

12:12 am EST

We speak of the journey between the New Moon to the Full Moon and vice versa each month because it is a real passage. We can visually see it when nights are clear, and we are aware that there are rhythms on earth that resonate with the phase of the Moon. This journey also represents an emotional journey we take through time and space, learning to recognize, observe, and then work with our feelings. The Moon passage shows how to love through the dichotomy of Love and fear, Love and fear, Love and fear, which frames our daily lives. The Sagittarius New Moon set us up to clear out emotional reactions that no longer serve us and to seek higher ground, or Satsang, where we could regain the inspiration so vital to moving forward. This isn’t easy, and we may have felt like we stepped forward only to have a “snap back “moment. We are also two weeks into a wormhole, so the journey from the new Moon to this Full Moon in Gemini may have felt anything but straightforward.
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2019 – Sagittarius New Moon

Vivian SmallMoon Report


26 November 2019

New Moon 04 Sagittarius 02

10:04 am EST

I am sorry for the delay with this New Moon report and am grateful for your patience. The transition from the Taurus Full Moon to the Sagittarius New Moon was a particularly time-consuming pivot for me. This report describes what happened at the New Moon and how this will carry us through to the next Full Moon, in Gemini, on December 12.
The Full Moon in Taurus showed us how the mechanism of our inner process of creation works. It starts with a seemingly formless idea that once we pay attention to, starts to germinate and then develop. It can be something that frees us, that makes life easier for ourselves or others, or idea we become entranced with and then get stuck on. The passage to the Sagittarius New Moon showed us where we were attached to an idea that seemed to have ‘fixed a problem,” or “found a solution.”
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