THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 11/6/17

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

SERVICE OF STABILITY – In these seemingly dark times, your service of stability shines a light so bright even the furthest ships at sea can be reached. You see, given you are all connected, whether you believe this yet or not, set the “ship” straight inside you acts as an example to your countrymen, and then eventually for all of …

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 3/27/17

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

GAME OVER – The time for games is over. That is, unless you are interested in the game of Seeing the Unseen. How often do you think you know something by its cover? How often are you wrong? Well, if you ARE judging by its cover, you are always incorrect. There is so much depth to every experience, that if you were …

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 3/6/17

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

CHANGING TIMES WITHIN – With so much external change on the outside these days, it is vital to obtain and maintain a higher perspective about you. Remember, the outer world is illusory – merely a powerful projection of the collective’s belief systems, morals and values. When we refer to the collective, we are addressing society as a whole, and each individual …

THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 11/21/16

Ray RolandoChannel of the Week

SEISMIC AWAKENINGS – For this transmission, and ALL transmissions, please KNOW this… you needn’t understand a single word for the transmission to have full impact within your hearts and minds. Please simply read them with the love they have been sent to you with… You are SO being asked to step into 5D now. All the shift, shake-ups, questions – all of …